We've been sick some (some sort of respiratory crud). Ari has busted out with two canines, and seems to be a bit better now on that front. For the moment.
I sprained my ankle three weeks ago, and it's still giving me trouble. Thad's been having problems with his shoulder, and we're not sure what to do about it! He went to a doctor, but she told him to take some ibuprofen and stay off it. It's not really getting better.
Wow. That sounds depressing.
Also, the whole Papke family came up for a weekend (the weekend I sprained my ankle, as it happens) and that was fun! Also, I read the Harry Potter book, the new Bujold Sharing Knife book, and had some ill-advised adventures in cooking. We also got a new player for our games, and started playing Pirates instead of Changeling (we're still playing Pendragon. Yay!) Anyway, all that to say that it has not actually been a suck period of time for us.
Ari knows what stickers are now, and she approves of them. She's getting more verbal all the time, but she still doesn't have the "using language to communicate" thing down yet. Language seems to be something she uses for her own amusement more than anything.
She's having tantrums now, real ones. The other day, she had one where she was even balling up her little fists and stamping her feet! I remind myself it's just her age and where she's at- part of the problem with using language to communicate, maybe?
P.S. Ari turns two on Wednesday! I'm going to try making pierogies. With bacon.