Monday, May 14, 2007

Very firm

I just asked Miss Ari for a kiss, and she proceeded to headbutt me like, six times. In the face. And then, she said "kiss nose!" To be fair, I was laughing too hard to stop her from headbutting me the last five times, and so was Thad, who was watching the whole thing.

I had a great Mother's Day. Thad watched Ari while I went to see a movie, and then there was pie. What more could I ask for?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never was much of a baker but somehow I had the magic touch when it came to cream puffs. The secret is to take them out of the oven a few minutes before they're done and use the tip of a sharp knife to cut a tiny hole in each one to let some of the steam escape so the don't get soggy.

I especially love gougères which are savory cream puffs made with cheese and stuffed with suitable goodies. Here's a recipe.

I haven't made these in years. Someday when I'm not on a diet maybe I'll try them again.