Ari is fine, by the by. Somehow, she got hold of an ibuprofen tablet (adult dosage). I noticed the red on her face and found the tablet, all sucked-on, on the floor. I wasn't sure whether she might have gotten others, too, so I called poison control. They tell me that a child her age and size can swallow up to 1000 mg of ibuprofen before anyone worries... since that would be 5 tablets, my fears were much allayed.
I wouldn't have worried at all, except that she was being a little lethargic and funny- I wasn't sure how to separate possible druggedness from it being 4 AM and my baby having her 6th tooth come in. Did I mention that part? Yay seeing the wrong side of 5 AM! Actually, come to think of it, is there a right side to 5 AM?

For the record, her first word is "milk". This is unsurprising, I guess, given how much this girl loves the boob. She signed the word three times today, and the third one was totally clear. The first two, I was unsure of (it was just her waving a chubby fist at me) but the last time, she totally held out her fist and clenched it, and it was crystal clear that she wanted some nursies. I'm so totally excited!!! Maybe it'll mean less of her trying to pull my shirt off. I know, forlorn hope, but maybe... ;)
The lobster was a lovely dinner we had Friday night- I offered some to Ari, but she was kinda tired and uninterested in trying new things. She was dubious of the claw, also. You'll note that I was in no way dubious about the crustacean on my plate.
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