Saturday, August 02, 2008

Nose- beep beep!

Ari is sitting in my lap, sticking Aquaman in my face and laughing like a crazy person every time I say "Aaah!" or "Don't stick Aquaman in my eyeballs!"

Anyway, just now I said, "I think you're a little punchy!" It is late, after all.

She picked up her baby doll's fist, connected it to my face, and said, "Punch!"

:D My baby cracks me up.


Anonymous said...

Are you still okay with making me a ring sling or do I need to buy one? It doesn't matter to me. If you have time to do it, I would appreciate it, but if you don't, I would understand.

Anonymous said...

awww. aquaman can make any play time punchy and funny. i can totally relate. well, to the punchy and funny seeing as how I don't have aquaman. but i still get aquaman.

Anonymous said...

Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!


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