Thursday, January 11, 2007

Earwigs on my mind

Check out my little artist. :)

I woke us up at 9:30 this morning (well, that's when the alarm was set for. It might have been closer to 10...) in the hopes that it might convince Ari to be on a more normal schedule. We'll see how that goes.

Other than that, we didn't do much today. We went to the bank to iron out some issues. May I just say how much I hate banks? They're just waiting for chances to screw you over. And then they have the gall to claim that they're serving you, the customer. No they aren't, they're serving nothing but their stockholders and their own bottom line. :P

This is Ari eating dinner. I've been experimenting with filo/phyllo/fillo ever since I bought dramatically too much of it for my Solstice dinner.Tonight, I made phyllo packets full of shrimp and bacon and cheese. I figured it was not the sort of thing Ari would be inclined to eat, but boy, was I wrong. She walked up and grabbed my last roll off my plate- I had barely started eating it, too. And then she proceeded to eat the whole thing, shrimp and blue cheese and all. :D

She was totally covered with butter and crispy pastry by the end. It was impressive use of her new teeth! A few months ago, she couldn't have managed big ol' chunks of shrimp like that.

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