Well, this is from Con on the Cob. We didn't actually get many pictures. This is her dressed like a fairy princess (her purple shirt there in fact says "Fairy Princess") and wearing the Black Hat, of
Blackhat Matt.We all had such an incredibly good time at the con. Cavan was there (yay!) and R&B, and
Andy Hopp and
Nigel, and so on. Mostly, though, it was just such a friendly little convention. It was bigger this year, but not too big. And a LOT of the people there were older and/or had kids. It made it really easy to game, because we could let Ari just walk around alot more without worrying about her getting into trouble or bothering people.
There were also a whole group of little girls (8, 9 years old?) who thought Ari was the sweetest thing and desperately wanted to play with her. Ari played ring-around-the-rosey for the first time, and helped break a pinata†, and generally got carted all around by these little girls, loving it all the while.

We pretty much spent the con gaming or watching the girl or both- Saturday was non-stop gaming for me. I ran a
Werewolf: the Apocalypse game- it marked the first time I've ever run a game for strangers. I had
five people (the max) sign up for the game, and I think it went pretty well. In the evening (till 3 AM) I played in a
Promethean game that BH Matt ran- very fun. Fave quote: "It's like watching someone roleplay a Turing test."
Awesome note about that- this was the kind of Con where, when the filking got too loud next to the gaming room, we were able to just go back to our room to play, which allowed me to put my baby to bed and keep playing.
Thad tried to run Hellboy (again) and failed (again), and played in Andy's
Low Life game. He also ran a session of Changeling for three guys on Friday, which went pretty well (I hear). All in all, we're definitely going back next year. Of the cons I've been to this year, it's my favorite.

The last few days have been pretty hectic; going to con was awesome but robbed me of my ability to get anything done schoolwise, which has in turn robbed me of my ability to do anything
but school now.
In Ari news, she's walking everywhere now, but still not talking or signing. She can eat apples now, and is carting them all over (how she gets them out of the apple baskets, I have no idea). Lately, she's taken to feeding me apple, which is adorable.
Tonight, she chomped the hell out of my finger, and I
screamed (on accound of, it hurt like a
bitch- she bit down right on the knuckle). It scared her, and she started sobbing, and I was holding her and telling her it was okay, but it hurt when she bit me, so on and so forth. In the meantime, she had to go get her apple, and start feeding it to me! D'know why that was, but
awwwww.... It seemed like she was trying to make amends, anyway.
Oh, on the "talking" note, the other day she was waiting for dinner (impatiently, hungrily) and I was telling her that papa would bring her food very soon. I was signing "food" to her... she didn't sign back, but she did keep grabbing my hand and making
me sign "food" some more. Again, I don't know if it was a real attempt to communicate, but it seemed like it...
†Well, perhaps "went and looked at the pinata and patted it a few times" might be more accurate... it was an awesome pinata, though. Homemade and shaped like a big eyeball monster.