Today has been a real lie-around lazy day. This was largely precipitated by the fact that Ari woke up at 5:00 AM. Gah. The problem was, she was put to bed last night at 7:30, something that was recommended by one of these baby sleep books I read. Usually, I ignore expert advice like that, but we had already moved her bedtime up to 9:00-9:30 (from 11:00-midnight, mind) and had noticed a big improvement. So, I thought, perhaps these good folks aren't, as they say, blowing smoke entirely up their arses. As it turns out, of course, Ari was not quite ready to go to bed so early, and I had a happy shiny baby crawling on me in the dark of night going "Mama! Mama! Play play play play nurse! Pay attention to me mama! Mama!!!"*
Anyway, so I haven't been feeling like a high energy go-get-'em mama today. :) I did get a couple hours of nap with her in the morning, though, and she had a super 3:30-6:00 nap! She fell asleep nursing here at the computer, and then I laid her down in the bed upstairs, no fuss. She didn't wake up even once during her nap, which is cool. Usually, she'll start to squeak and I have to run upstairs and nurse her back down before she wakes up entirely.
I'm off this evening to a Blessingway for two of the (many!) pregnant mamas in my mom's group. I'm sure it will be very girly, and I'm looking forward to it. They always love to see Ari, and it's nice hanging out with other women with children- I get so used to having to apologize for my child drooling on people and grabbing at people and generally being a baby girl. With the other mamas, though, I don't have to worry. :D
*Translated from the Baby. The original text went like this: "babababava whrrrrrr SCREECH bababa"
Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Big honkin' baby steps

Secondly, today is the first day that she has really been sitting unsupported. She's leaning forward in this picture, but she was sitting up, too. She was able to sit up and use both her hands to play with toys, which is really exciting!
Thirdly, today is the day she took her first crawling steps. She hasn't quite got it totally worked out, but I saw her take three bona fide crawling steps today. She was up on hands and knees and crawled! The three steps took her to a stuffed bear, and she immediately dropped to the ground and stuck it in her mouth.
Fourthly, today is the first day that she's been able to consistently move from a prone to a sitting position all by herself.
Boy, it has taken my daughter a while to figure some stuff out, but she's got it all going on today!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Nothing much interesting
Wow, did I never get near being able to use a keyboard yesterday. I'm almost not getting to write this now- I'm writing this while nursing the girl and with Thad hovering over me wanting to get on his Wanderer's Guild chat.
Yesterday went okay, although Ari spent the last 45 minutes she was with the sitter crying. I'm one of only two grad students in my class, so that's kind of weird. It's funny for me to be around undergrads now; they're all cocky and think they know stuff. :) I guess I was like that, too, when I was an undergrad.
These are my classes this quarter:
Sanskrit- 1 hour, and mostly just sight reading some Mahabarata stories.
Old Irish- 1 hour, reading group kind of thing
Mycenean Greek- also 1 hour. We haven't been able to meet yet, because Brian had to leave this afternoon, shortly before the end of Irish.
Sociolinguistics seminar- taught by Peter Trudgill, and really awesome so far! He's focusing on the development of colonial languages as they're different (and the same) from their Old World counterparts.
Morphology class- this is the one that we're having to get someone to watch Ari for, and this is also the one full of undergrads. We'll see how it goes.
I didn't get to do anything interesting today, but I spent some time yesterday sorting through photos of the girl. About four or five more nice pictures of her, and I'll post another album. Oh, and she's almost crawling, and I've been taking some videos. The 'rents should be getting some DVDs in the mail soon! Especially because we finally remembered to buy a stack of DVD-Rs.
Yesterday went okay, although Ari spent the last 45 minutes she was with the sitter crying. I'm one of only two grad students in my class, so that's kind of weird. It's funny for me to be around undergrads now; they're all cocky and think they know stuff. :) I guess I was like that, too, when I was an undergrad.
These are my classes this quarter:
Sanskrit- 1 hour, and mostly just sight reading some Mahabarata stories.
Old Irish- 1 hour, reading group kind of thing
Mycenean Greek- also 1 hour. We haven't been able to meet yet, because Brian had to leave this afternoon, shortly before the end of Irish.
Sociolinguistics seminar- taught by Peter Trudgill, and really awesome so far! He's focusing on the development of colonial languages as they're different (and the same) from their Old World counterparts.
Morphology class- this is the one that we're having to get someone to watch Ari for, and this is also the one full of undergrads. We'll see how it goes.
I didn't get to do anything interesting today, but I spent some time yesterday sorting through photos of the girl. About four or five more nice pictures of her, and I'll post another album. Oh, and she's almost crawling, and I've been taking some videos. The 'rents should be getting some DVDs in the mail soon! Especially because we finally remembered to buy a stack of DVD-Rs.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Under the wire
So, today was my first day of school. I'm up now when I should be in bed with my sleeping monkeys.
It went okay, I guess. I got out on time. I had to run to get to Oxley before the Sanskrit class (9:30 AM) because I had to print out and copy stuff for my class, because I wasn't going to get time in between. The Sanskrit is one hour a week of reading Sanskrit- I love reading Sanskrit. Most dead languages, really. It's a bit like cracking a code. And there's a right answer that you just have to find, which is very satisfying.
My class was at 10:30, and it went fine. First day kinda stuff. This is the fifth time I've taught this particular course, so I kind of feel like I've got it down. My class went to 11:30 (short because of the first day thing), and then I hied my butt over to the hospital to use their pump room. The hospital is right across the street from Oxley, and it's very nice- curtained off pump stations, a sink, phones in the pump stations... It's also nice because it means I only have to cart around my collection kit, not the whole pump. Plus, I get to use hospital grade pumps, and those things are sweet!
Alas, when I got there, I discovered that when I asked Thad to pack my backpack this morning, he failed to pack my sterilized collection bits- the horns and the bits that screw into the bottles. So, I had to ride my bike home to pump. Thankfully, I had the extra time today. I did get to cuddle and nurse my girl that way (in addition to pumping) which was nice for both of us, since she still won't eat if I'm not there.
I had a seminar in the afternoon with Peter Trudgill, who's a visiting professor this term. It was really good- I'm very much looking forward to it. Tomorrow is my Morphology class, and a mom in my mom's group is coming to watch Ari.

I did have one nice bit of mail today- these came! I have been eyeing the velour angel monkey print diaper (and that's a pocket and everything!) for three months, and finally resolved to get it. 'Cause, y'know, Ari is my little angel monkey. It's hideously pink, but I love it. The sharks are for night time, and I think the horses are to make up for the hideous pink. :)
It went okay, I guess. I got out on time. I had to run to get to Oxley before the Sanskrit class (9:30 AM) because I had to print out and copy stuff for my class, because I wasn't going to get time in between. The Sanskrit is one hour a week of reading Sanskrit- I love reading Sanskrit. Most dead languages, really. It's a bit like cracking a code. And there's a right answer that you just have to find, which is very satisfying.
My class was at 10:30, and it went fine. First day kinda stuff. This is the fifth time I've taught this particular course, so I kind of feel like I've got it down. My class went to 11:30 (short because of the first day thing), and then I hied my butt over to the hospital to use their pump room. The hospital is right across the street from Oxley, and it's very nice- curtained off pump stations, a sink, phones in the pump stations... It's also nice because it means I only have to cart around my collection kit, not the whole pump. Plus, I get to use hospital grade pumps, and those things are sweet!
Alas, when I got there, I discovered that when I asked Thad to pack my backpack this morning, he failed to pack my sterilized collection bits- the horns and the bits that screw into the bottles. So, I had to ride my bike home to pump. Thankfully, I had the extra time today. I did get to cuddle and nurse my girl that way (in addition to pumping) which was nice for both of us, since she still won't eat if I'm not there.
I had a seminar in the afternoon with Peter Trudgill, who's a visiting professor this term. It was really good- I'm very much looking forward to it. Tomorrow is my Morphology class, and a mom in my mom's group is coming to watch Ari.

I did have one nice bit of mail today- these came! I have been eyeing the velour angel monkey print diaper (and that's a pocket and everything!) for three months, and finally resolved to get it. 'Cause, y'know, Ari is my little angel monkey. It's hideously pink, but I love it. The sharks are for night time, and I think the horses are to make up for the hideous pink. :)
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Wrapped up in technicolor beetles
Thad's upstairs right now, reading Redwall to the girl. I tried to put her to bed, but she wiggled and wriggled until she woke herself right up, so Thad took her and wrapped her in a blanket and they're having daddy-daughter time. He's been reading to her since the very first night she came home, and it's amazing how much she likes it! She'll happily sit for ages up in the rocker on her daddy's lap, listening to him read. I don't know when she'll start to understand the stories, but I guess she likes having her daddy talk to her, and make silly voices.
We've been having a so-so sleep day. I got her to take a good nap in the morning, but the second nap has eluded us. She went down twice for it, but wouldn't stay asleep. I guess we'll just keep plugging at it- except Thad can never keep her asleep, and starting tomorrow, I leave her four days a week. I'm hoping that I can at least get her down for her nap before I have to leave on the two short days, but I'm gone 8-1/2 hours (it's a full 8 hour day plus transit time) on my full days. I'm trying to decide- should I try to pump on my short days? I'm real nervous about being away from her so much. I guess I'll try to pump when I'm home with her.
One of the moms from my mom's group is supposed to come and watch her while I'm at school on my short days. I hope that works out okay... I guess I'm just real nervous about the whole thing. I keep telling myself, it's what I have to do, it's my job, rent needs paid, I just need to put my big girl panties on and cope.
I just don't want to leave my little girl so much!
We've been having a so-so sleep day. I got her to take a good nap in the morning, but the second nap has eluded us. She went down twice for it, but wouldn't stay asleep. I guess we'll just keep plugging at it- except Thad can never keep her asleep, and starting tomorrow, I leave her four days a week. I'm hoping that I can at least get her down for her nap before I have to leave on the two short days, but I'm gone 8-1/2 hours (it's a full 8 hour day plus transit time) on my full days. I'm trying to decide- should I try to pump on my short days? I'm real nervous about being away from her so much. I guess I'll try to pump when I'm home with her.
One of the moms from my mom's group is supposed to come and watch her while I'm at school on my short days. I hope that works out okay... I guess I'm just real nervous about the whole thing. I keep telling myself, it's what I have to do, it's my job, rent needs paid, I just need to put my big girl panties on and cope.
I just don't want to leave my little girl so much!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
I got Lancelot's armor!

Anyway, this morning was my mom's breakfast, at the Starliner Diner up in Hilliard. It was nice. Thad got home from his clix tournament super late, though, and that was frustrating. Jaime had took Thad to the tournament, and he stayed to try out our new game, Shadows Over Camelot. It is a pretty good game. Also, we did get Ari to sleep for a decent nap after Thad got home (not until near on 4 o'clock, though, and her only nap today!). It basically required me to vault upstairs at the slightest noise and cuddle/nurse her back down, but she did sleep by herself for about three hours.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Orangina with breakfast
Yesterday was a busy day! Ari and I hung out together; we even went on a walk to the post office. After Thad got home, I decided to have dinner and then take the girl out to the fabric store with me to give Thad a few hours to work on his book. I usually go out for a few hours on Sundays to let him have writing time, but he didn't get a chance with R & K here last weekend (which, again, was AWESOME!!) so I thought it might be nice for him.
Anyway, me and Brooke went out to the Jo-Ann's and the Whole Foods Market. I needed to get felt to make some puppets for a mama in my mom's group here- pictures probably forthcoming; I intend to go make puppets as soon as I'm done writing this. :) After shopping, us and R&B played Arkham Horror. We almost lost; it was very close.
Today, I had the best surprise- Ari and I woke up around 9:30, and who should bound in the door but Thad! I did a few double-takes (he was supposed to leave for work at 8:00!) and then he told me that he had canceled his job in order to stay home with me and Ari for the last day of my Spring Break, and would I like breakfast? :D
He made me a gruyere and ham omelet, with a toasted cream cheese bagel and grapes. It was awesome. And then he hung out with me and watched the girl some. I got to make the black skirt I've been meaning to make for ages. Anyway, it was a really nice thing for him to do, especially because tonight is his night to leave me home all evening and go play Shaintar.
Next week is the first week of the new quarter, and I'll be having to leave Ari four out of seven days a week. Only 2-1/2 hours on the off days, but still. I try not to think about it, or I get teary-eyed. I just have to tell myself that some other moms have to work full time, and I should be glad it's as little as it is.
Baby update: the girl is babbling like crazy. She definitely knows where her feet are, and she's totally into sticking her tongue out these days. Oh, and when I carry her on my hip, she holds on!
Anyway, me and Brooke went out to the Jo-Ann's and the Whole Foods Market. I needed to get felt to make some puppets for a mama in my mom's group here- pictures probably forthcoming; I intend to go make puppets as soon as I'm done writing this. :) After shopping, us and R&B played Arkham Horror. We almost lost; it was very close.
Today, I had the best surprise- Ari and I woke up around 9:30, and who should bound in the door but Thad! I did a few double-takes (he was supposed to leave for work at 8:00!) and then he told me that he had canceled his job in order to stay home with me and Ari for the last day of my Spring Break, and would I like breakfast? :D
He made me a gruyere and ham omelet, with a toasted cream cheese bagel and grapes. It was awesome. And then he hung out with me and watched the girl some. I got to make the black skirt I've been meaning to make for ages. Anyway, it was a really nice thing for him to do, especially because tonight is his night to leave me home all evening and go play Shaintar.
Next week is the first week of the new quarter, and I'll be having to leave Ari four out of seven days a week. Only 2-1/2 hours on the off days, but still. I try not to think about it, or I get teary-eyed. I just have to tell myself that some other moms have to work full time, and I should be glad it's as little as it is.
Baby update: the girl is babbling like crazy. She definitely knows where her feet are, and she's totally into sticking her tongue out these days. Oh, and when I carry her on my hip, she holds on!
Karl and Rebecca,
Rick and Brooke,
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Elderflowers and roses

Yesterday's medieval feast went off pretty well. My cheesecake came out nicely, but we discovered that we don't really like the taste of elderflowers. The cheesecake was abandoned thereby.
I got Ari to sleep on her own for one hour today, which was her only nap. I took the opportunity to paint this shirt. This is the crest I made up for my Pendragon character. It's complicated as to why. Anyways, I think it looks nice.
The girl was pretty sweet to me even before her nap. She spent a bunch of time happily playing by herself. I find it amazing how much she likes to play with blankets. Also, I can set her on my bedroom floor and the clothes and old newspapers entertain her for ages!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
What does "sambocade" mean?
Ari is asleep on me. Not much to report, really. Today's big excitement is that we're playing Pendragon tonight. It's going to be the winter phase, and one of the characters is getting married. We're using this as an excuse to throw ye olde medieval party, and I need to get out to the store to get some material components for my cheesecake. Also, there needs to be bread.
I did paint a banner with the character's coat of arms on it, and I bet he'll think it's cool. I also have a hideous plot to paint said coat of arms on the cheesecake with food coloring. It would be very medieval; they were all about brightly colored foodstuffs.
I had a really rough time getting the girl to nap today. It seems like I'm just SOL for getting her to nap not on me. It's super frustrating.
I did paint a banner with the character's coat of arms on it, and I bet he'll think it's cool. I also have a hideous plot to paint said coat of arms on the cheesecake with food coloring. It would be very medieval; they were all about brightly colored foodstuffs.
I had a really rough time getting the girl to nap today. It seems like I'm just SOL for getting her to nap not on me. It's super frustrating.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Crunch goes the rat
I got to go to the zoo today! A mom from my mom's group called me just after I had woke up and offered to come all the way from Hilliard (about a 20-30 minute drive for those of you at home) and pick me and the girl up and take us with her to the zoo. A whole bunch of moms and kids were meeting up there.
It was really fun! It was a great bunch of noise and chaos (maybe 6-7 moms and significantly more kids than that) but it was great. I can't believe that's going to be Ari in not too long from now. She's such just a little bit. We wore our new carrier out, and it got many compliments. Ari just hung out and eventually napped. It was really sweet.
I didn't get to see many animals, but we did go by the reptile house, and it was feeding time there! It was really cool getting to see the zookeepers play puppet-dance with the dead rats, trying to entice the snakes into striking. We saw a monitor lizard totally crunch down this big rat. Oh, and I saw something I didn't realize before. He had this big forked tongue, and he could move the split bits around- like, he could smack them together or split them apart. I never thought that they had control over the forked part of their tongue like that- I guess I just thought that they flapped around.
Anyway, a good time was had by all. Ari came home and just wanted to cuddle for a while and nap. She's such a sweet girl.
It was really fun! It was a great bunch of noise and chaos (maybe 6-7 moms and significantly more kids than that) but it was great. I can't believe that's going to be Ari in not too long from now. She's such just a little bit. We wore our new carrier out, and it got many compliments. Ari just hung out and eventually napped. It was really sweet.
I didn't get to see many animals, but we did go by the reptile house, and it was feeding time there! It was really cool getting to see the zookeepers play puppet-dance with the dead rats, trying to entice the snakes into striking. We saw a monitor lizard totally crunch down this big rat. Oh, and I saw something I didn't realize before. He had this big forked tongue, and he could move the split bits around- like, he could smack them together or split them apart. I never thought that they had control over the forked part of their tongue like that- I guess I just thought that they flapped around.
Anyway, a good time was had by all. Ari came home and just wanted to cuddle for a while and nap. She's such a sweet girl.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
What are these on my feet?

Rebecca and Karl were here this weekend; they came on Friday. I was feeling much better Friday than Thursday, and we had a really awesome time! On Friday, we went over to the North Market, and then grilled some brats. Then, we played a game Karl brought called Arkham Horror. It was really fun; it's a cooperative game- meaning, the players work together to beat the game, as opposed to trying to beat each other.
Saturday was the Equinox party. Ari (as you can see here) wore her shoes out for the first time. The party went quite well. Rebecca and I spent about four hours cooking for it! We had quiches, some seafood canape things, strawberry shortcake, Jello eggs, and Peeps. We actually spent the first part of the party out at the park, and played a little bit of lawn games- bocce and a new game I'd never played before called Kubb.

They left this morning; we had a nice Sunday brunch, though (yogurt coffeecake, organic yogurt with berries, bacon and Easter eggs) and we took a few pictures of Ari with her Aunt Rebecca.
I don't know if Ari felt Rebecca was similar to me- maybe our voices sound the same?- but she was very willing to just hang out with Rebecca; more so than with anyone else except her papa. Anyway, Rebecca and Karl got very much sweet baby time- although they assure me that they're still very happy to be an aunt and uncle rather than working on their own addition to the family tree. ;)
Anyway, we're settling down to have a Sunday roast and mashed potatoes, so I'll sign off.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
I'm sick
I just got done throwing up for the second time tonight. I'm hoping this isn't mastitis; it's very weird. Throwing up, chills, abdominal pain. At least it seems to be passing. It's actually been a little while since I threw up, and I've managed to drink a little water. What is it about throwing up that makes your throat dry, deep inside- you know what I mean? Kind of dry and raw. Duh, it must be all that acid I just washed it with, I guess.
Anyway, earlier tonight I was thinking about things that I love about my daughter, and I thought I'd take the chance to write some of them down for posterity. Like, how she has this one piece of hair right in the middle of her head that sticks straight up. Or her chubby, chubby legs. Seriously, this girl looks like she's wearing big legwarmers of sweet baby chub. I love the serious look she gets when she's playing with something. Her eyes get wide, and her little mouth goes in an "o" shape and she looks at whatever it is like its amazing. I love her wobbly legs, and her clumsy little hands. She works so hard at learning how to use them, and she can do rough or gentle touches now. I love it when she reaches out, very gently, and pats my face. Admittedly, I love it less when- lightning fast- she reaches over and grabs my hair, pulling with all her might. :)
Well, I'm going to try going to bed now. We'll see if more ralphing is in my future, or no.
Anyway, earlier tonight I was thinking about things that I love about my daughter, and I thought I'd take the chance to write some of them down for posterity. Like, how she has this one piece of hair right in the middle of her head that sticks straight up. Or her chubby, chubby legs. Seriously, this girl looks like she's wearing big legwarmers of sweet baby chub. I love the serious look she gets when she's playing with something. Her eyes get wide, and her little mouth goes in an "o" shape and she looks at whatever it is like its amazing. I love her wobbly legs, and her clumsy little hands. She works so hard at learning how to use them, and she can do rough or gentle touches now. I love it when she reaches out, very gently, and pats my face. Admittedly, I love it less when- lightning fast- she reaches over and grabs my hair, pulling with all her might. :)
Well, I'm going to try going to bed now. We'll see if more ralphing is in my future, or no.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Not again!
I have another plug in my breast, in exactly the same place as last time. I've spent all day trying to get it out, in vain. I was supposed to go to a Sanskrit thing this morning, and I woke up with the plug and decided to skip Sanskrit so I didn't have to not nurse for so many hours. So, suck. :P
This is the promised pic of yesterday's craft project. With Ari starting to be capable of forward locomotion, we are taking Thad's swords off the wall and wanted something to put there instead. I heard recently that there was a kid from back home who got killed when a sword got knocked off the wall while he and a buddy were roughhousing, and the idea's given me the willies about our swords.
I'm still feeling kind of like a badass today, 'cause I made dinner. Now, if I can just finish grading everything for my students by tomorrow. It would be Monday, except I have so many graduating seniors. I'm not sad, though. It'll be good to get it out of the way, so I can enjoy my sister's visit unencumbered.

I'm still feeling kind of like a badass today, 'cause I made dinner. Now, if I can just finish grading everything for my students by tomorrow. It would be Monday, except I have so many graduating seniors. I'm not sad, though. It'll be good to get it out of the way, so I can enjoy my sister's visit unencumbered.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I am a badass
I'm feeling pretty good today- I accomplished alot, I feel like. I had a good meeting with my advisor, where I actually had stuff to discuss with him. I came home, and we had a good cooked dinner (ala Thad- baked BBQ chicken with munster cheese as sandwiches, with some really good organic broccoli), I did two craft projects (I'll try to post a picture up a bit later of one of them) and then we proceeded to clean up the dining room. Oh, plus, Thad cleaned the kitchen and we sorted and put away the diaper laundry and regular laundry.
Organic broccoli, you ask? We've actually started to switch to eating more organic food when possible. I find that while I'm sanguine about putting certain things in my body, I'm bothered when I think about my little girl eating it. So, we're trying to eat more healthily. On the up side, organic food usually tastes better. Of course, it also costs twice as much, so there you are.
Thad just walked up with Ari on his chest. She didn't seem inclined to go to sleep for me nursing, so I handed her off to him. After some walking around with her in the sling, and reading her stories, she's out like a small and extremely chubby little light. He's such a good daddy!
I'm giving the final exam to my students tomorrow, and then I'll have until midnight Thursday to get my grades in. Karl and Rebecca come on Friday (St. Pat's!) and my equinox party is on Saturday. Then, I have the whole week as a break! I'm looking very forward to this.
Organic broccoli, you ask? We've actually started to switch to eating more organic food when possible. I find that while I'm sanguine about putting certain things in my body, I'm bothered when I think about my little girl eating it. So, we're trying to eat more healthily. On the up side, organic food usually tastes better. Of course, it also costs twice as much, so there you are.
Thad just walked up with Ari on his chest. She didn't seem inclined to go to sleep for me nursing, so I handed her off to him. After some walking around with her in the sling, and reading her stories, she's out like a small and extremely chubby little light. He's such a good daddy!
I'm giving the final exam to my students tomorrow, and then I'll have until midnight Thursday to get my grades in. Karl and Rebecca come on Friday (St. Pat's!) and my equinox party is on Saturday. Then, I have the whole week as a break! I'm looking very forward to this.
Monday, March 13, 2006
I have exciting and terrifying news: Ari moved forward under her own power today. This is a huge turning point for her, and more than a little frightening for us! For her, it means that she now has the power to control where she is. If she wants to grab something (the phone cord, in this case) that she wasn't set next to, she can look at it and go to it. For us, it means that if she wants to grab something (e.g. the phone cord) that she wasn't set next to, she can look at it and go to it! Oh, the terror. She's been strong enough to lift herself up on all fours for some time now, so all it takes is for her to put these things together and we'll be chasing her around the house till sundown.
She's been able to scoot backwards, but mostly only on accident so far. So, forward is a big deal.
She's been able to scoot backwards, but mostly only on accident so far. So, forward is a big deal.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Boys with fangs

We then went to see Underworld: Evolution at the dollar theater (not my idea, I might add). Ari slept through the whole thing. It was about as bad as you might expect, although the male lead was at least a little eye candy, especially since there was an overall theme of toplessness in the movie. Even when he went all fang-y. He was, in fact, the only remotely interesting character in the movie. Alas, the movie was so adamantly against the whole concept of character development that we really only got to see him turn wolfy and fight people.
A few funny things that I learned at Wal-mart today:
1. I can still fit into children's clothing. The XL size, mind you, but still. Stupid kid's section having better clothes than the women's.
2. My daughter thinks basketballs are HI-larious. Thad picked one up in the store and spun it around, and she couldn't stop giggling and watching the ball. Totally adorable!
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Good morning, starshine
Thought I'd write another entry this morning, since last night's was so sparse. I'm sitting here with a happy, giggly baby on my lap, babbling away. It's so cool to see (and hear!) her developing verbally. She sounds like this at the moment: "aaaAAAh. wuh * screech* aaaooohwha *screech* babaaooohwha. vaba *screech*."
She's really picking up on the rhythm of speech, too, so it really sounds like she's talking. She has the right intonation and spacing sometimes.
We're up really early this morning, because we went to bed early last night- she was out by 9 and I was asleep by 10ish. I'm feeling a bit better for the sleep, but it wasn't a terribly pleasant night. All toss-y and turn-y and feverish. I had a nice waking up, though- with Ari's warm little body cuddled up against me and nursing greedily at my breast. I really love nursing sometimes (not so much when I have plugged ducts the size of a bratwurst, admittedly ;) ). I wish I could somehow capture the experience to remember later on when she doesn't need mama's nursies anymore. There's a rightness about being so physically connected to my daughter that I know I will miss when she is older.
She's really picking up on the rhythm of speech, too, so it really sounds like she's talking. She has the right intonation and spacing sometimes.
We're up really early this morning, because we went to bed early last night- she was out by 9 and I was asleep by 10ish. I'm feeling a bit better for the sleep, but it wasn't a terribly pleasant night. All toss-y and turn-y and feverish. I had a nice waking up, though- with Ari's warm little body cuddled up against me and nursing greedily at my breast. I really love nursing sometimes (not so much when I have plugged ducts the size of a bratwurst, admittedly ;) ). I wish I could somehow capture the experience to remember later on when she doesn't need mama's nursies anymore. There's a rightness about being so physically connected to my daughter that I know I will miss when she is older.
Friday, March 10, 2006
When will it end?
I feel like crap. My nose is stuffed up, and I have a sinus headache. I can't take any sinus meds because they have a tendency to dry up milk as well as snot, so I just have to suffer through.
Not much to say, really. I'm a go to bed momentarily. Ari's already asleep up there without me.
Not much to say, really. I'm a go to bed momentarily. Ari's already asleep up there without me.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Yesterday night I came down with a plugged duct. Or rather, a bunch of plugged ducts. I had a lump the size of a bratwurst in my breast.I spent last night putting on ice and trying to massage it out, to no avail. Ari kept punching the sore spot, too- and I would scream (because it hurt like a bitch) and she would laugh at me. She's still too little to understand that other people have feelings, I think.
Anyway, after a highly sucky night (I was in tears at least twice) and evening, I've finally managed to clear the plug! It took a hot rice sock and a bunch of lying around in bed topless, but my breast is no longer one big ball of hurt. The topless, by the by, was to encourage Ari to nurse more often. She loves it when I'm topless; her eyes go wide and she gets all wiggly and excited. I think I just look so tasty, she doesn't know what to do with herself. :)
I'm super happy about it, not only because I'm no longer in horrible boob pain, but also because I was scared I would get mastitis. I've had it once, and I could be happy to go my whole life and never have it again.
I'm also super happy because I got good news from my best friend, and I'm just so happy for him. :D Today is a pretty good day.
Anyway, after a highly sucky night (I was in tears at least twice) and evening, I've finally managed to clear the plug! It took a hot rice sock and a bunch of lying around in bed topless, but my breast is no longer one big ball of hurt. The topless, by the by, was to encourage Ari to nurse more often. She loves it when I'm topless; her eyes go wide and she gets all wiggly and excited. I think I just look so tasty, she doesn't know what to do with herself. :)
I'm super happy about it, not only because I'm no longer in horrible boob pain, but also because I was scared I would get mastitis. I've had it once, and I could be happy to go my whole life and never have it again.
I'm also super happy because I got good news from my best friend, and I'm just so happy for him. :D Today is a pretty good day.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
My god... it's full of stars!
I have a sweet sleeping baby in my lap as I write this. She's looking super girly today, which is unusual. Between hand-me-downs from her cousin Geoff and our general dislike of the color pink, she gets mistaken as a boy by most of the people we meet.
Right now, however, she's wearing a pink shirt with stars on, a lavender fuzzibunz, and a pink handtowel bib my mum made her. Thad flipped the bib around so it looked like a cape and declared her to be the superhero "Girly Lass". Then he picked her up and started flying her around the room, making whooshing noises all the while. I love my husband. :D
I got these in the mail a few days ago. It's a bit silly, but I find it exciting! These are Ari's first shoes. She's still too little (and not walking yet :)) but I found a super good deal on these nice soft leather shoes, and here they are!
Today was my last teaching day for the quarter. I think it went okay, but I'm looking forward to being done with this class. I don't feel it's gone terribly well, and it'll be nice to start again fresh.
Right now, however, she's wearing a pink shirt with stars on, a lavender fuzzibunz, and a pink handtowel bib my mum made her. Thad flipped the bib around so it looked like a cape and declared her to be the superhero "Girly Lass". Then he picked her up and started flying her around the room, making whooshing noises all the while. I love my husband. :D

Today was my last teaching day for the quarter. I think it went okay, but I'm looking forward to being done with this class. I don't feel it's gone terribly well, and it'll be nice to start again fresh.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Rrrrr.... brains....
Today has been very weird. I didn't really sleep last night (Ari kept waking up over and over again), and didn't take a nap either. I was really hoping that she'd take one so I could get just a little sleep, but it just didn't happen. I did get to talk to my friend in the afternoon, at least. He called just as I was at the very end of my rope- I'd just realized that it was still over an hour until Thad got home to relieve me, and the girl wouldn't stop crying, and I couldn't keep myself awake. Anyway, he kept me company until Thad got home.
We had our Pendragon RPG group tonight, and it was pretty fun. Ari was really fussy though, and finally passed out around 10 o'clock. She's not night diapered, though, and I'm hoping we can get her changed without waking her. It's the mama-nurses-her-while-daddy-speed-changes-her trick. Whee!
Okay, I can't actually think right now; I'm so hazy and zombie-like on no sleep. At least tonight is Thad on night duty; I have to be able to think tomorrow!
We had our Pendragon RPG group tonight, and it was pretty fun. Ari was really fussy though, and finally passed out around 10 o'clock. She's not night diapered, though, and I'm hoping we can get her changed without waking her. It's the mama-nurses-her-while-daddy-speed-changes-her trick. Whee!
Okay, I can't actually think right now; I'm so hazy and zombie-like on no sleep. At least tonight is Thad on night duty; I have to be able to think tomorrow!
Ah, sweet irony
I'm typing this left-handed in a desperate attempt to stay sane. Ari woke up a little over an hour ago and has been totally inconsolable. Yup- last night I couldn't sleep to save my life; tonight, I fall asleep no problems and I get woken up by a sobbing baby.
It's pretty unusual for her- I don't know if this is teething or residue from being sick or both, but she's NEVER woken up in the middle of the night sobbing. Had trouble getting to sleep, yes, but never really woken up in the middle.
Anyway, baby crying kinda makes you crazy after a while. I think it's supposed to make you crazy, so you respond and take care of your baby, but hearing it keep going... It's like a fire alarm that just won't turn off, and you're going "what? where? what? FIRE!?" for HOURS. After a while, you just feel fried and you want the noise to stop. So, it's helpful to have something else (like writing this) to focus on for a bit.
Oh, thank god. She finally passed out again in my lap. Poor little girl. I'll wait a few minutes to make sure, and then back to bed for us.
It's pretty unusual for her- I don't know if this is teething or residue from being sick or both, but she's NEVER woken up in the middle of the night sobbing. Had trouble getting to sleep, yes, but never really woken up in the middle.
Anyway, baby crying kinda makes you crazy after a while. I think it's supposed to make you crazy, so you respond and take care of your baby, but hearing it keep going... It's like a fire alarm that just won't turn off, and you're going "what? where? what? FIRE!?" for HOURS. After a while, you just feel fried and you want the noise to stop. So, it's helpful to have something else (like writing this) to focus on for a bit.
Oh, thank god. She finally passed out again in my lap. Poor little girl. I'll wait a few minutes to make sure, and then back to bed for us.
Monday, March 06, 2006
God, I'm so tired
The days I'm at school, I'm always so, so ungodly tired at the end. On an ideal day, this is what my schedule is:
8:30- get up, and desperately try to finish prepping for my class/get ready/get my pump parts sterilized and together and also nurse the girl before I go, because she mostly won't eat while I'm gone.
10:15- leave, take my bike through the snow (and yes, it's snowing today) to the gym
10: 30- get to the gym, change, and work out
11:05- change back to my street clothes, get on the bike and go across campus to my phonetics class
11:30- phonetics class
1:18- jump on the bike, ride all the way across campus to the hospital, and pump in the pump room there. I also usually spend my pumping time doing last minute prep for my class.
2:15- get to my office, put my pumped milk in the fridge, and run to class
2:25- set up the projector etc. for my class
2:30- teach
4:15- go back to my office for office hours
5:00- go home
On non-ideal days, I don't get to work out because I leave too late, and I have to stay late after class. Like today, because I had to have a long talk with a student about his midterm, and I also had to do a makeup groupwork for a bunch of students who missed last Wednesday, 'cause it was Ash Wednesday. As evidenced, you'll note, by the fact that it's already after 5 and I'm still at school.
Ari is feeling way better than yesterday, but is still out of sorts. She was SUPER clingy to me this morning, which (as you might imagine) totally broke my heart. Since I had to leave. Thad (my sweet monkey man, and her daddy) would hold her, and she would sob, but if I held her, she was fine and happy and giggly. Thad spent most of the day walking around with her (walking in the sling is her favorite activity, save possibly nursing), and he says she's asleep now and mostly did okay, given the walking.
I was awake until 2:30-3 last night, too- for no good reason. I just couldn't sleep. Anyway, I hope I get to go home soon, because my best friend said he'd call, and I don't want to miss him!
8:30- get up, and desperately try to finish prepping for my class/get ready/get my pump parts sterilized and together and also nurse the girl before I go, because she mostly won't eat while I'm gone.
10:15- leave, take my bike through the snow (and yes, it's snowing today) to the gym
10: 30- get to the gym, change, and work out
11:05- change back to my street clothes, get on the bike and go across campus to my phonetics class
11:30- phonetics class
1:18- jump on the bike, ride all the way across campus to the hospital, and pump in the pump room there. I also usually spend my pumping time doing last minute prep for my class.
2:15- get to my office, put my pumped milk in the fridge, and run to class
2:25- set up the projector etc. for my class
2:30- teach
4:15- go back to my office for office hours
5:00- go home
On non-ideal days, I don't get to work out because I leave too late, and I have to stay late after class. Like today, because I had to have a long talk with a student about his midterm, and I also had to do a makeup groupwork for a bunch of students who missed last Wednesday, 'cause it was Ash Wednesday. As evidenced, you'll note, by the fact that it's already after 5 and I'm still at school.
Ari is feeling way better than yesterday, but is still out of sorts. She was SUPER clingy to me this morning, which (as you might imagine) totally broke my heart. Since I had to leave. Thad (my sweet monkey man, and her daddy) would hold her, and she would sob, but if I held her, she was fine and happy and giggly. Thad spent most of the day walking around with her (walking in the sling is her favorite activity, save possibly nursing), and he says she's asleep now and mostly did okay, given the walking.
I was awake until 2:30-3 last night, too- for no good reason. I just couldn't sleep. Anyway, I hope I get to go home soon, because my best friend said he'd call, and I don't want to miss him!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Six months a sick baby
My daughter is sick for the first time today. She has a fever (about 102ยบ under the arm) and green snot coming out of her nose. I was lying on the bed nursing her and thinking that someday I might want to remember this- her being sick and my reactions. So I decided to start keeping a diary.
Well, after many hours of sleeping and getting stuffed with as much mama milk as possible, Ari seems to be feeling better. The fever has broken, and she seems much happier. It was funny for me; my rational brain kept saying "Look, she'll be fine, she's not that sick. You don't need to call the doctor. Just nurse her and let her sleep." But my new-mommy brain was gibbering "My BABY! 102 DEGREES! Oh NO!"
I'm glad the rational brain won out.
Well, after many hours of sleeping and getting stuffed with as much mama milk as possible, Ari seems to be feeling better. The fever has broken, and she seems much happier. It was funny for me; my rational brain kept saying "Look, she'll be fine, she's not that sick. You don't need to call the doctor. Just nurse her and let her sleep." But my new-mommy brain was gibbering "My BABY! 102 DEGREES! Oh NO!"
I'm glad the rational brain won out.
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