I have another plug in my breast, in exactly the same place as last time. I've spent all day trying to get it out, in vain. I was supposed to go to a Sanskrit thing this morning, and I woke up with the plug and decided to skip Sanskrit so I didn't have to not nurse for so many hours. So, suck. :P

This is the promised pic of yesterday's craft project. With Ari starting to be capable of forward locomotion, we are taking Thad's swords off the wall and wanted something to put there instead.
I heard recently that there was a kid from back home who got killed when a sword got knocked off the wall while he and a buddy were roughhousing, and the idea's given me the willies about our swords.
I'm still feeling kind of like a badass today, 'cause I made dinner. Now, if I can just finish grading everything for my students by tomorrow. It would be Monday, except I have so many graduating seniors. I'm not sad, though. It'll be good to get it out of the way, so I can enjoy my sister's visit unencumbered.
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