Thursday, March 09, 2006


Yesterday night I came down with a plugged duct. Or rather, a bunch of plugged ducts. I had a lump the size of a bratwurst in my breast.I spent last night putting on ice and trying to massage it out, to no avail. Ari kept punching the sore spot, too- and I would scream (because it hurt like a bitch) and she would laugh at me. She's still too little to understand that other people have feelings, I think.

Anyway, after a highly sucky night (I was in tears at least twice) and evening, I've finally managed to clear the plug! It took a hot rice sock and a bunch of lying around in bed topless, but my breast is no longer one big ball of hurt. The topless, by the by, was to encourage Ari to nurse more often. She loves it when I'm topless; her eyes go wide and she gets all wiggly and excited. I think I just look so tasty, she doesn't know what to do with herself. :)

I'm super happy about it, not only because I'm no longer in horrible boob pain, but also because I was scared I would get mastitis. I've had it once, and I could be happy to go my whole life and never have it again.

I'm also super happy because I got good news from my best friend, and I'm just so happy for him. :D Today is a pretty good day.

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