It rained yesterday. Alot! With wind. The power went out, and when we stepped out the front porch, look what we saw! This is the rec center across the street. As near as I can tell, by the way, that white car was completely unharmed.
To be honest, the whole thing made me slightly nostalgic. :) I did comment that if my parents had had a tree that rotten (see the rotting bits where it split?) they would have had it removed a long time ago, to prevent just this sort of event.
Oh, and when I came home from work last night, the local NBC station was filming some sort of news spot in front of it. Then I got woken up this morning by shouty men with buzz saws who were breaking the tree down. The whole thing is still there- I guess they mostly wanted to get it out of the street, and make sure it wasn't caught in any nearby branches so that it could fall and hurt someone.
Ari thought the rain was really cool.
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