Friday, June 30, 2006
Another nothing post
Karl and Rebecca got here tonight. It was mostly just work and school and trying to clean up until they got here, and then we did alot of chatting. Not much to say...
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Luke is a cow

I'm enjoying the MSSI, though. Today I traced watermarks! It was an exciting, yet terrifying new world of brandishing Sharpie markers near old and irreplaceable manuscripts.
Thad took Ari over to Origins today (since teachers get in free), and bought her some new dice, as you can see. :D She totally loves them, too. You can't tell from the picture, but they're made from this foam rubber stuff. I think she finds it delightfully chewable. Thad got her a d8, a d4 and some d6's with animals on them.
Karl and Rebecca are coming tomorrow on their way to DC. I'd best to get the house in order, and decide what to cook!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Another lament
I don't like working full time this much. :( I especially don't like it when Thad's also working off shifts to me. It feels like I never get a break to get anything done; I'm either working or taking care of Ari (which is where Thad is, too).
Ah, well. Off to bed for me.
Ah, well. Off to bed for me.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Going to bed
Not much to say today. This work schedule takes much getting used to.
Ari slept weird times today, and both Thad and I are fair burned out. But Thad, poor man, has to work tonight.
Ari slept weird times today, and both Thad and I are fair burned out. But Thad, poor man, has to work tonight.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Sunburned shoulderblades and a sore neck

We had a lazy Sunday today. Thad stayed up 'till four, and his family presumably got off sometime thereafter. I don't know if they got in yet, but I can only assume that we'd've heard something if they didn't.
Thad slept in, and Ari had two naps today, so that was nice. We basically just hung out and played games together, the two of us, most of the day. We cleaned up a little (although the house was just fine, really). When Brooke got off at five, we all went over to Comfest and had a nice little picnic. We hung out and played games and ate and wrangled a very crawly baby until we had to leave to get Thad to work.
I felt kind of bad, because Ari kept getting into stuff and onto people without me noticing. She moves so fast these days, and it just makes me tired trying to haul her off of things every five minutes. Even in our most baby-proofed rooms, she'll find the one thing we couldn't proof and will choose to always play with that, no matter what!
On an unrelated note, Ari's been displaying... I don't know what. Not stranger anxiety. But lately, she gets really upset when someone leaves her. It doesn't matter if it's me leaving, or Thad leaving, or if someone's with her when we go, or if it's somebody who just showed up. For example, yesterday, Maryanne walked through the room we were in on her way upstairs. As soon as she started up the stairs, Ari just started bawling. I know it was because of Maryanne leaving, too, because she had watched Maryanne come in and was watching her leave.
It makes it hard for me to leave in the morning when I need to. :( I can't just walk away from her when she sobs all heartfelt like that.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Hello again

I've had kind of a rough week. Well, busy. Good, but busy. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were taken up by ECIEC. Monday was taken up by desperately trying to finish my handout for ECIEC. Friday and today were taken up doing fun stuff with Clare and Theo and Maryanne, who were visiting.
Well, let me tell you how it all went! The worst day for ECIEC was Tuesday. Not only did I present then, but we also had a reception that Angelo and I had to put on- wine, cheese, fruit and fancy cheeses. It came off just fine (everything did, presentation included) but it involved an awful lot of running around like a crazy woman. Also, getting everything going in the morning- including the all-important coffee- meant getting up at 6 AM.
Now, it's not that I mind getting up at oh dark hundred in the morning, per se. But I stayed up quite late on Monday night finishing my handout. And then I stayed up quite late on Tuesday, hanging out with Thad. And then on Wednesday night, Ari wouldn't sleep. Thad was working, so I was a single mama for the night, and I could not get Ari to sleep before about one in the morning. Needless to say, I was a bit of a zombie the next day... I even contemplated trying to intake caffeine, but I hate coffee and I hate tea and I hate coke, so there you go. Besides, caffeine always makes my heart race (the few times I've ingested it, anyhow).
Anyway, by the end of the conference, I was deep in the throes of serious sleep deprivation. When I said "a bit of a zombie" above, I meant an absolute giggling, drunk-acting lunatic who passed straight out at the first sign of a couch. It was fair ugly (and embarrassing).

Now, the Papkes (sans Marcus) got in Wednesday evening. This was really nice, because it ameliorated our carless situation somewhat. Clare was really sweet and was happy to ferry me around to the rest of my evening activities for the conference. The black velvet picture above, by the by, is me and Ari dressed to go to the ECIEC party at Brian's on Thursday night.
On Friday, Clare and I hung out together and discussed religion while Thad and his sibs went to COSI to see the Star Wars exhibit. We mostly spent the rest of the day hanging out, playing games and eating the leftover food from ECIEC- I brought home about 4 dozen fancy Panera bagels and also a big pan full of Turkish food from the aforementioned party.
We also went to the Guardtower, to show Clare what a gaming store is like. And we had a nice walk, to go see the reindeer climbing up a neighborhood tree. Oh, and we got Clare to play a game with us and watch a movie. It was quite a nice day all told.

Ari was mostly happy to be at her second Pride. I actually ended up getting burned a bit, but she didn't! I think the solarveil did it's job, since we only put a little bit of sunscreen on her feet and not elsewhere.
After pride, we headed over to Comfest. We were pretty tired, though, and it was pretty hot, so we didn't end up spending much time there. Clare did get Ari a pretty cute batik shirt, and that was awesome. Then we went home, and just sort of collapsed for a while. Then, we went out to dinner. When we got home, we watched a very short movie and Clare decided she'd best to get to bed- they're leaving at around 4 in the morning upon the morrow. Ari actually passed out during the movie (around 9:30), so that was nice.
Thad and Theo appear to be intent on staying up all night (or at least until 4) playing games, but I'm taking the opportunity to catch up on everything that I neglected during ECIEC. After all, MSSI starts Monday.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
But his trunk is still tore up

On the right is the dress that I wore to my brother's wedding, refurbished and wearable again- although considerably less modest. I haven't been able to wear it in just about exactly three years. Around this time in 2003, just before we moved to Columbus, I was at a birthday party in Gainesville. One thing led to another, and I ended up colliding with the asphalt at a high rate of speed (but I still love the person responsible! ;) ).
Anyway, my right side hit the street first, and the experience wore a sizable hole through the dress about where my hip bone was. Not tore, wore through. There was nothing I could thing to do with this big, unmendable hole except patch it, and I just never got 'round to doing it. I probably would have thrown it away, except for the sentimental value. And also, y'know, the fact that I actually quite like the dress.
Well, I was at a Blessingway on Friday, and someone there suggested me to just separate them, and turn it into a top and skirt. As you can see, it worked smashingly, and now I get to wear my dress again! Oh- on a somewhat gross note: as I was hemming it I noticed that there were all these little dried up bits of Julia flesh stuck to the edges of the hole. Eeeeewwww.

On top of all that, I also made little fleece tags for all my microfiber diaper inserts. Thad has trouble telling the different sizes of inserts apart, so I labelled them for his convenience. And so he doesn't have any excuse not to fold and stuff the diapers himself. ;)
Anyway, I like having a tangible set of accomplishments like this. Oh, and I like sewing. Maybe I should do more of it now and again.
Father's Day

This wasn't just a special Father's Day treat, though- Thad was up until 5:30 AM with a baby who wouldn't sleep. This is just more evidence of his badass daddy-ness. :)
As presents, he got the shirt you see in the picture (that's embroidery, even) and also Ari made him a card. Or poked a piece of paper randomly with a colored pencil; one or t'other.
We spent the afternoon and evening playing games with Jaime, which was quite nice. Jaime also took us to go see a car- alas, it was clearly a piece of crap, so we're still at square one on the car front.

This is a picture I took where you can see Ari's little nubbin teeth! You can see both of them- note that the one on the right is bigger, though. I thought y'all might get a kick out of seeing those little nubbins that have been causing us so much grief.
Ari's been doing the no nap fall asleep late and fuss all day regimen, as has become usual with all this teething. She was pretty cute, cruising around under the table while we gamed and had tasty Indian food for dinner (I offered her rice and vindaloo sauce, but she didn't go for it...).
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Bizarro Mario

I've put some more feelers out about cars, and we may rent a car some next week (if only to do what needs done for ECIEC). Hopefully, this will all be resolved soon. At least Thad's job is in biking distance, so that's not something we have to worry about.
He had his orientation today, but he doesn't start till Monday night. We won't know what his schedule will be until then, either.
Ari took a pretty good nap today, but she had a really hard time getting to sleep at night. She went down originally at 9:00 (right on time!) but she kept waking up. She didn't want to nurse, and she'd whimper herself back to sleep in my arms.

I could tell that her teeth were hurting her, and she finally got to the point where she didn't seem like she was going to be able to get back to sleep. She was crying and so tired. I finally got Thad to run get the teething tablets, and I gave her some. It was pretty dramatic! She went from seeming like she was going to just wake up right then, to falling peacefully asleep in my arms. To be honest with you, it kinda freaked me out.
The tabs (as you'll note if you click on the link) are homeopathic. Now, I usually think homeopathics are either a) a big crock or b) scary underregulated drugs. I only got the teething tabs because many moms I know and respect recommended them, and boy howdy, do they work! At least my baby girl is asleep and not in pain. But it does concern me that they might be in the "b" category...
Friday, June 16, 2006
Better than beef stew
I spent more time away from Ari today than I wanted. :(
I spent the afternoon working on my handout- but I didn't finish. Thad watched her while I was working. Then I went shopping with Angelo and Brooke. Brooke drove us around, which was really nice because we had WAY too much stuff to have transported it in a normal car vehicle. We even had to get one of them flatbed carts. Did you know that they have six wheels, and it's designed to only have some of them in use at anyone time depending on where you have the weight distributed?
Anyway, it took us more than four hours to get everything bought and stowed and all, and I was away from my baby all that time. I had been planning to go to an event alone tonight, but I decided to take Ari after all, because I was tired of being apart from her. Thad was really sweet, though, and (despite having had her all day) offered to keep her for the evening so I could have some fun time alone.
Oh, another fun thing I just realized I forgot to mention is that our car died yesterday. As I was coming off the highway and driving home on 5th, I noticed some significant loss of pressure in my brakes. I had to have the pedal near to the floor to get brake action. Since we were planning on getting rid of it anyhow, that's it.
I spent the afternoon working on my handout- but I didn't finish. Thad watched her while I was working. Then I went shopping with Angelo and Brooke. Brooke drove us around, which was really nice because we had WAY too much stuff to have transported it in a normal car vehicle. We even had to get one of them flatbed carts. Did you know that they have six wheels, and it's designed to only have some of them in use at anyone time depending on where you have the weight distributed?
Anyway, it took us more than four hours to get everything bought and stowed and all, and I was away from my baby all that time. I had been planning to go to an event alone tonight, but I decided to take Ari after all, because I was tired of being apart from her. Thad was really sweet, though, and (despite having had her all day) offered to keep her for the evening so I could have some fun time alone.
Oh, another fun thing I just realized I forgot to mention is that our car died yesterday. As I was coming off the highway and driving home on 5th, I noticed some significant loss of pressure in my brakes. I had to have the pedal near to the floor to get brake action. Since we were planning on getting rid of it anyhow, that's it.
* * * *
Those stars stand for me getting up in the middle of writing and going to nurse the girl back down. Can I just say that I love getting to be the one to comfort her in the night? Having her little body all cuddled up against me, totally trusting me to take care of her- it's the best thing ever. I love the way my baby smells and I love the way she lays her little hand up on my chest while she's falling asleep.
Thad's off to his orientation for the new job in the morning, and it looks like his family won't be coming out this weekend after all. :(
Those stars stand for me getting up in the middle of writing and going to nurse the girl back down. Can I just say that I love getting to be the one to comfort her in the night? Having her little body all cuddled up against me, totally trusting me to take care of her- it's the best thing ever. I love the way my baby smells and I love the way she lays her little hand up on my chest while she's falling asleep.
Thad's off to his orientation for the new job in the morning, and it looks like his family won't be coming out this weekend after all. :(
To bed at 4:30 and up at 8:00
Bear with me, y'all. I'm getting no sleep, between ECIEC and Ari's teething. And the time just seems to flow away in a stream. I'll post a real post again sometime soon.
There really isn't much to say at the moment except that:
There really isn't much to say at the moment except that:
- I'm working on my handout still
- Ari isn't napping for shit right now
- None of us are sleeping
Thursday, June 15, 2006
This entry is named after someone who went out of her way today to help me. She had places to be, and nobody would have thought badly of her if she'd just said "that sucks" and walked on by- but she didn't. I think that's cool.
The long version of that story is that I went to bring dinner to someone's house today. She's part of my mom's group and someone that I really like and would kind of like to be better friends with. She just had a little baby girl, so I volunteered to come fawn over her newborn under the pretenses of feeding her family. ;)
Anyway, I googled her place and thought I'd be okay to find it- but I got totally lost. It was near on 45 minutes before my sheer lostness overcame my shyness, and I stopped at a drugstore. I didn't even have the change for a phonecall on me, so I was hoping that I could beg the people of the UDF for the use of their phone. As I was explaining my plight to the UDF employees, a woman (Robin) came to the counter. She not only advised me about where she thought I was trying to go, but she also offered to let me use her cell phone. Then she also talked to my friend to figure out where I should be going. And then she took it upon herself to drive there with me, to make sure that I got where I was going safely.
I'm going to keep this story in my head, and someday, when I meet someone who's unhappy and lost (like I was today) I'm going to try to be as nice to them as Robin was to me today.
The long version of that story is that I went to bring dinner to someone's house today. She's part of my mom's group and someone that I really like and would kind of like to be better friends with. She just had a little baby girl, so I volunteered to come fawn over her newborn under the pretenses of feeding her family. ;)
Anyway, I googled her place and thought I'd be okay to find it- but I got totally lost. It was near on 45 minutes before my sheer lostness overcame my shyness, and I stopped at a drugstore. I didn't even have the change for a phonecall on me, so I was hoping that I could beg the people of the UDF for the use of their phone. As I was explaining my plight to the UDF employees, a woman (Robin) came to the counter. She not only advised me about where she thought I was trying to go, but she also offered to let me use her cell phone. Then she also talked to my friend to figure out where I should be going. And then she took it upon herself to drive there with me, to make sure that I got where I was going safely.
I'm going to keep this story in my head, and someday, when I meet someone who's unhappy and lost (like I was today) I'm going to try to be as nice to them as Robin was to me today.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Who's the rotten tomato?

We did rather more running around yesterday than we really intended, and her napping's been pretty spotty lately, so it was her first nap of the day at 3 PM.
Her sleep has, most likely, been messed up by the teething. This is unsurprising, because not only is she cutting the previously-mentioned nubbin tooth, but she's also cutting a brand new nubbin tooth! I noticed it today, just barely breaking the surface of her gums. It's right next to her other tooth- they're the center front incisors, to give you an idea.

To the left is photographic proof of why we need a king-size bed- somebody in this family is a bed-hog. :) We actually went and looked at futons the other day. I'm pondering whether the teaching award I got might go toward us being able to afford the mattress.
In any case, Thad watched Ari most of the day so I could work- as, come to think of it, he has done the last three days. He dressed her in a red shirt and green diaper and kept saying that she was a little plum tomato. She spent most of the day just playing around the house.
She's so capable these days- if she wants me, she will just up and crawl into the next room, pull herself up to me and demand to be picked up. She knows where her toys are (we keep them in several open bins in various rooms) and will perfectly happily go to her toy chest and pull some out of the bin. It's really cool.
Another cool thing is that she really responds to things we do now. Like, she knows when papa gets his sling, it means she's going for a walk. As soon as Thad grabbed that sling today, she just started wiggling and making excited noises and waving her arms and trying to launch herself towards him.
Anyway, I think I'll leave off before I just up and die from the mass cuteness. :) It's 3 in the morning anyhow (guess who fudged the time on the log and has been up hours trying to work on her ECIEC handout?) and I need to get to bed. I'm supposed to meet with Brian tomorrow about food and my paper. In about 7 hours, as a matter of fact. Whee!
I just spent hours looking up more than 350 lines from the Rig Veda and marking the metrical boundaries in my notes. Other linguists get to talk to people, or at least do computerized searches of records of having talked to people; I flip through really old books. At length. At great length.
Anyway, ECIEC is eating my life- you'll note it's 3:30 in the f'in' morning.
I'll do a proper entry, with cute baby pictures, tomorrow. I promise.
Anyway, ECIEC is eating my life- you'll note it's 3:30 in the f'in' morning.
I'll do a proper entry, with cute baby pictures, tomorrow. I promise.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Start wearing purple

Ari was mostly pretty good today. I'm wondering if her teeth were bothering her, though- she fought sleep tonight, and was pretty fussy and unhappy in the latter part of the evening. Earlier, though, she was totally sweet (as she usually is). She tried and mostly failed to eat cheerios. She can- and will- pick them up and put them in her mouth, but doing anything with them once she gets them there is the issue.

Oh, and we also made a whole searchable database of our games collection. That's cool.
And in exciting baby news: Ari climbed down the stairs today. Not well- she would have fallen off if I hadn't steadied her- but she still did it. That's good, becasue I'm tired of having to pull her off the stairs all the time.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Breaking up the ground
It's 2:30 in the morning, so I'm gonna make this short. I finished grading today (huzzah!), planning on cleaning the house tomorrow. Thad went to Shaintar, so I spent the evening at R&B's (hence the late bedtime- you know how it goes).
Oh, and I accidentally hit myself in the eye with my thumb so hard that it bled- I have a crescent shaped scab on my eyelid now, and that eye is swelling up.
Oh, and I accidentally hit myself in the eye with my thumb so hard that it bled- I have a crescent shaped scab on my eyelid now, and that eye is swelling up.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Not eating cheerios

This morning, a friend came and picked us up and we went to a playgroup. She was supposed to come at 10, but didn't come 'till 11- which I was grateful for, as it meant I could shower and dress and eat and pack a lunch AND (most importantly) let my baby sleep 'till she was inclined to wake.
The playgroup was fun, but very chaotic. Ari, of course, is too young to play with other kids. She's just not aware enough of them, you know? But she did play happily in the vicinity of the other kids, and a good time was had by all. I guess we were gone about two hours doing that, and when we got home, that's when Ari napped.
Other than that, I've mostly been grading like a madwoman. I'm halfway through the final exams (I also did the LOC's and the HW4's today), and I think I'm done for the day! I'll finish it tomorrow.
After I finish grading, you know what I get to do?
I mean, other than work on my handout and plan for ECIEC, which is only a week and a half away.
I get to clean my house! I'm so excited. Does being excited about this automatically make me a grown-up?
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Living in an alternate reality
Wow, today was a rough day.
It started okay. Thad went to work, Ari and I went to school. I had a meeting with Brian, and Ari was mostly pretty good during it. Wiggly, and wanting to explore (and eat Brian's papers) but reasonably happy and letting me talk. A kind of cool thing is that I was awarded the Linguistics department's award for teaching excellence for a 200-level course. I really do work hard at my teaching, so it's nice to be recognized- plus, it comes with some not insignificant quantity of money. The money is nice, too.
After the party deal where I got awarded, I needed to talk to Brian again (about ECIEC stuff), and that's when the day started to go south. Ari got to being tired, so I cut the meeting short and left to go home. It was raining, and I just missed the bus, so we had to wait around for the next one. She passed out while I was waiting, and I was hoping that I could get her straight into bed from there. Unfortunately, the rain woke her up as I got off the bus, and I couldn't get her back down again.
That touched off four hours of desperately tired, inconsolable (unconsolable?) sobbing, followed by a walk with papa, followed by a too-short nap, followed by a fussy evening that finally ended in sleep just a little while ago.
And me with too much grading to do on top. :P I'm going to go take drugs for my poor head, and try to sleep.
It started okay. Thad went to work, Ari and I went to school. I had a meeting with Brian, and Ari was mostly pretty good during it. Wiggly, and wanting to explore (and eat Brian's papers) but reasonably happy and letting me talk. A kind of cool thing is that I was awarded the Linguistics department's award for teaching excellence for a 200-level course. I really do work hard at my teaching, so it's nice to be recognized- plus, it comes with some not insignificant quantity of money. The money is nice, too.
After the party deal where I got awarded, I needed to talk to Brian again (about ECIEC stuff), and that's when the day started to go south. Ari got to being tired, so I cut the meeting short and left to go home. It was raining, and I just missed the bus, so we had to wait around for the next one. She passed out while I was waiting, and I was hoping that I could get her straight into bed from there. Unfortunately, the rain woke her up as I got off the bus, and I couldn't get her back down again.
That touched off four hours of desperately tired, inconsolable (unconsolable?) sobbing, followed by a walk with papa, followed by a too-short nap, followed by a fussy evening that finally ended in sleep just a little while ago.
And me with too much grading to do on top. :P I'm going to go take drugs for my poor head, and try to sleep.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
I can't believe...

That's right. A squirrel. Fell from the sky. Onto my baby's head.
I shit you not.
We went to the emergency room and everything, just to make sure it was okay- it's actually much scarier-looking in person than the picture makes out (her hair obscures alot of it) but there's at least four claw marks on the back of her head, including one that bled a fair amount. She's just fine, and the doctor's weren't worried about her catching anything horrible from the squirrel or anything. Once she calmed down from the initial pain of it, she was more irritated by the poor triage nurse trying to take her vitals (and failing, I might add) than by the actual head wound.

Immediately prior to the Squirrel Incident (a freakin' SQUIRREL!), we were looking at a very likely prospect for a car- a newer Jetta than our Jetta. Prior to that, I spent some hours at school, working, and prior to that, Thad and I went and got our hair cut.
This is the new Julia style. I like it! I think it takes good advantage of my natural curl, and is short and cool and easy to take care of (hopefully). The look on my face, incidentally, is because I just got a look under Thad's mask. I am forbidden to say why Thad is wearing a mask, but let us just say that whatever the reason, it was startling. Quite startling.

Ari is sweetly asleep now, and at a decent hour, too. I was afraid we'd be forever in the waiting room, but they got us in and out and home. We had such a running-around day, but she was just sweet as cream for most of it. Except when, you know, a freakin' squirrel fell out of the sky and clawed her head. She cried then.
A freakin' squirrel!
Monday, June 05, 2006
If that looking-glass gets broke

Here I am, back from the nursing-induced drugged stupor that overtook me as I was getting my baby to sleep. This was, I might add, an arduous task. The little bit just refused to go to sleep for hours. And this despite being so tired that she was falling around like a little drunk baby. She was still good-tempered (as usual!) but just... not sleepy.
Alas, since Thad and I both rely on post-baby-bedtime free time to get our before bed stuff done (including, I might add, writing in this journal), that means mama and papa are goin' to bed late!
Anyway, today we Got Stuff Done. Thad didn't end up getting a job, so I tried to get work done and he went and applied for jobs. The job-applying went about as well as expected; Thad will call them later and try to follow up.

Besides working frantically on my stuff for ECIEC and also taking care of Ari (when Thad wasn't watching her so I could work) I
- didn't clean up my house
- did actually make a whole dinner
- did some car shopping

Check out my little girl! She's wearing a shirt I bought for her birthday from Granola Threads. It's a 12 month, and you can see it's a little big on her. If you're curious, it says "BREASTMILK: It's what's for Dinner. And Breakfast and Lunch and whenever else I want it!"
It kinda fits her now, though, so I'll let her wear it. That way she can wear it as long as possible.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Freakin' porkchop, man.

As a tangent, I initially typed out "Grandma Porter" rather than "Grandma Colleen" just now. I think I asked at some point what she wanted to be called, and mom said "Grandma Porter", but I just couldn't bring myself to call her that. I mean, I know who Grandma Porter is! She's the woman who taught me to sew and made me prunes when I was a girl and made me beautiful, frilly dresses that I loved. I guess it's just weird for me to call my mom by a name that feels like it's already taken.

This is Ari cuddling the book she carried down from upstairs. I thought it was so adorable that I made Thad take a picture. :)
We had an okay day today. Thad went to his heroclix tournament. I failed to go to work and get stuff done (for those watching at home- I have a whole draft of my ECIEC handout that I promised to Brian by Wednesday, and I have yet to start it!) and we went shopping. Since our car is way too sick to trust to highway driving and a Sam's Club/Walmart amount of food, we got Rick, Brooke and John to drive us out there in the van. Since none of them had any shopping to do, it was really sweet of them to accompany us on our 3-hour journey.
Not only did we get food, but we also got a whole bunch of bins and drawers. Our bathroom seems like a whole new place, and we finally got rid of the Munchkin boxes that we've been storing our office supplies and Miscellaneous Stuff in. Oh, and now we have a toy bin for upstairs. Since upstairs is the babyproof zone, it's good to have a place to put Ari's toys. Now, if we can just get internet up there, we can all hang out there and be happy!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Hoorah for magic grease

She actually slept there for about 45 minutes after she fell asleep nursing in my lap this morning. She was out and I was able to just lay her in there and she was happy. Alas, I had to wake her up so I could go to class. :(
Today was totally my last day of class, and we even finished early. Ari passed out again on the way home, and got a reasonably decent afternoon nap. I'm up later than I should be again, baking a cake for a party tomorrow. The only time I get to myself these days is after she's gone to bed- it's far too seductive to stay up late getting things done.
Ari herself seems to know when I ought to be in bed. She always calls me about midnight thirty (you'll note, I've fudged the time on this log again to make it be the right day). If I were just ready for bed, I could nurse us both happily to sleep. But no- I have to get back up and "finish doing things" and get ready for bed... silly me. I should listen to my baby.
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