That's right. A squirrel. Fell from the sky. Onto my baby's head.
I shit you not.
We went to the emergency room and everything, just to make sure it was okay- it's actually much scarier-looking in person than the picture makes out (her hair obscures alot of it) but there's at least four claw marks on the back of her head, including one that bled a fair amount. She's just fine, and the doctor's weren't worried about her catching anything horrible from the squirrel or anything. Once she calmed down from the initial pain of it, she was more irritated by the poor triage nurse trying to take her vitals (and failing, I might add) than by the actual head wound.

Immediately prior to the Squirrel Incident (a freakin' SQUIRREL!), we were looking at a very likely prospect for a car- a newer Jetta than our Jetta. Prior to that, I spent some hours at school, working, and prior to that, Thad and I went and got our hair cut.
This is the new Julia style. I like it! I think it takes good advantage of my natural curl, and is short and cool and easy to take care of (hopefully). The look on my face, incidentally, is because I just got a look under Thad's mask. I am forbidden to say why Thad is wearing a mask, but let us just say that whatever the reason, it was startling. Quite startling.

Ari is sweetly asleep now, and at a decent hour, too. I was afraid we'd be forever in the waiting room, but they got us in and out and home. We had such a running-around day, but she was just sweet as cream for most of it. Except when, you know, a freakin' squirrel fell out of the sky and clawed her head. She cried then.
A freakin' squirrel!
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