This morning, a friend came and picked us up and we went to a playgroup. She was supposed to come at 10, but didn't come 'till 11- which I was grateful for, as it meant I could shower and dress and eat and pack a lunch AND (most importantly) let my baby sleep 'till she was inclined to wake.
The playgroup was fun, but very chaotic. Ari, of course, is too young to play with other kids. She's just not aware enough of them, you know? But she did play happily in the vicinity of the other kids, and a good time was had by all. I guess we were gone about two hours doing that, and when we got home, that's when Ari napped.
Other than that, I've mostly been grading like a madwoman. I'm halfway through the final exams (I also did the LOC's and the HW4's today), and I think I'm done for the day! I'll finish it tomorrow.
After I finish grading, you know what I get to do?
I mean, other than work on my handout and plan for ECIEC, which is only a week and a half away.
I get to clean my house! I'm so excited. Does being excited about this automatically make me a grown-up?
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