We did rather more running around yesterday than we really intended, and her napping's been pretty spotty lately, so it was her first nap of the day at 3 PM.
Her sleep has, most likely, been messed up by the teething. This is unsurprising, because not only is she cutting the previously-mentioned nubbin tooth, but she's also cutting a brand new nubbin tooth! I noticed it today, just barely breaking the surface of her gums. It's right next to her other tooth- they're the center front incisors, to give you an idea.

To the left is photographic proof of why we need a king-size bed- somebody in this family is a bed-hog. :) We actually went and looked at futons the other day. I'm pondering whether the teaching award I got might go toward us being able to afford the mattress.
In any case, Thad watched Ari most of the day so I could work- as, come to think of it, he has done the last three days. He dressed her in a red shirt and green diaper and kept saying that she was a little plum tomato. She spent most of the day just playing around the house.
She's so capable these days- if she wants me, she will just up and crawl into the next room, pull herself up to me and demand to be picked up. She knows where her toys are (we keep them in several open bins in various rooms) and will perfectly happily go to her toy chest and pull some out of the bin. It's really cool.
Another cool thing is that she really responds to things we do now. Like, she knows when papa gets his sling, it means she's going for a walk. As soon as Thad grabbed that sling today, she just started wiggling and making excited noises and waving her arms and trying to launch herself towards him.
Anyway, I think I'll leave off before I just up and die from the mass cuteness. :) It's 3 in the morning anyhow (guess who fudged the time on the log and has been up hours trying to work on her ECIEC handout?) and I need to get to bed. I'm supposed to meet with Brian tomorrow about food and my paper. In about 7 hours, as a matter of fact. Whee!
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