She was playing with Thad, and holding on to his arm. Well, he pulled loose from her, and she took one, solitary, halting step towards him and grabbed back on to his arm. About two minutes later, she did the same thing to me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think this deserves:
That said, I shall move on to the rest of the last few days. We did indeed go and see Dead Man's Chest. It was good, but massively inconclusive and a little contrived. I wished they came up with more original jokes instead of just pointing back to the ones in the first movie. Also, Depp's Jack Sparrow was so cool in the original, but it just felt like here the movie kept going "Oh, that Captain Jack. Isn't he a character? Haw haw haw."

As you can see, Thad and I dressed for the occasion. It led to us being yarr'd at by random strangers- but one does not dress publicly like a pirate if one minds a little yarr'ing. (Now I have this image of closet pirate dressers... yarrvestites?)
Ari was actually "reading" in this picture- as in, holding the book and flipping from page to page to look at the different pictures. It was really cute.
Well, it was a nice (if too short) weekend. There are two more weeks of the MSSI left, and my family are coming next weekend. I'll get through these weeks somehow- I have the Jazz and Ribs festival marked in red on my calendar, and I keep it in my mind. It'll mark the end of this crazy schedule, and the beginning of my break for the summer! And who wouldn't look forward with anticipation to a festival devoted to jazz, and ribs? I'm salivating just thinking about it.
Yea for Ari! She will be in EVERYTHING now...poor J&T!
Oh, the baby faces book was a big hit when I was watching her on Saturday. We spent a good 20 minutes flipping through it...much like she is doing in the picture!
She also seemed mesmerized by the new "I love Mommy" book I brought. We counted pokadots and so forth. I kept telling her that Ari was the pink elephant and Mommy was the bright fushia one! She wanted me to read it again and again.
The Jazz & Rib fest always reminds me of my wedding! We were married on June 20th so our wedding party went to the fest the next day. :o)
We haven't gotten to see Dead Man's Chest yet, but we did spend part of the weekend at Blackbeard Island, so it was kinda piratey.
Yeah for Ari!!! She's growing so fast!
Life is pretty much the same. Watching the boys and getting them places on time.
I've had the worst acne though since I went off the pill...yech, my face looks like crap!!!
Oh well...eat some ribs for me!!
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