On a side note, I've been saying for ages that Ari would probably sleep through the night if I wasn't working (and therefore causing her to have to eat all night long). Well, I was 100% right about that. The only time she's woken up in the night in the last week is sometimes when I go to bed (because I disturb her) and about 7:00 in the morning, at which point she nurses and then sleeps till 8:30 or 9:00. I really want to get a smaller size mattress and try putting her on that, instead of having her in our bed. A queen is just way too small for three, and all of us are feeling it. Plus, it'll probably make the transition to her own room a little easier, when we eventually get to that stage.

This afternoon, we went over to Jaime's to make use of his swimming pool. :) Ari just loved it. The first time Thad tried to take her out of the water to dry off, she cried and tried to leap out of his arms back in the water.
Last time we went swimming, she mostly was a little barnacle on me or Thad, but this time, she really got into it. She splashed and kicked and generally had a super time. Check out Thad helping her "swim" there while she holds her floaty d6 in one hand. :D

And here we are, finally getting dried off (d6 still in hand). Thad's farmer's tan is very much in evidence here. ;)
Ari arrived home totally tuckered out from her swimming experience. She didn't go to sleep until well after 11, though. She just spent ages flopping around the bedroom in a state of exhaustion. Fortunately, it was that "I'm so sleeepy" kind of exhaustion. and not a "I'm so tired!" kind of exhaustion. The latter always makes her grumpy, and this was just a sort of good natured flopping around.
Finally, she fell asleep in my arms peacefully, not even any nursing, and was totally out when I took her upstairs to bed. I was able to just lie her down without any fuss.
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