Sunday, July 23, 2006

Wet fuzzy baby

Ah- at last, the quiet of an asleep baby.

We didn't get as much done as I might have liked today (again), but there was exciting stuff. We took Ari to the pool today and tried out her swimsuit. She looked really cute (I cursed my forgetting of the camera!) and had a pretty good time. She was totally willing to splash around- the only thing is, she's too young to learn to close her eyes on command yet, so she can't deal with water in her face. We have the same problem with bathtime hair rinses.

Thad also got to meet some of the moms in my mom's group at the pool. That made me happy, but I think he was whatever about it. :) I guess it was a whole lot of, "who are these people I don't know?" And "Holy estrogen, Batman!" for him.

Ari fell asleep in the car on our way to the Walmart. We had intended to shop but ended up only getting spare car keys made. Thad went in to do this while I waited in the car with an asleep baby- and then he waited while I took the non-functioning keys they made back in to be remade.

Ari passed out again around 7 o'clock- definitely on the late side for a nap. And by passed out, I mean, sitting upright in my lap asleep passed out. I literally couldn't wake her up again. She woke up at 8:30 with her papa, and therefore I had some trouble getting her to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whenever I had the moms over Phillip is also "whatever" but he is more inclined to hide. He'll hang out if there are husbands there too.

Life is getting crazy, but in a regular old fashioned busy way. I'll be sending some great signing videos your way soon.
