The living room is a horrible mess, and it's the kind of mess that I can't deal with quickly- it's stuff that doesn't have a place. That is, leftover basement stuff that I haven't figured out where it goes. That's the worst kind of cleaning, because you have to think about every single thing you put away. So, the living room remains a mess.
The dining room is a mess because I feel disheartened about the living room (plus a little of the aforementioned basement stuff issue), the kitchen is a mess because Thad's been working, and the bedroom is a mess 'cause... I d'know, I'm lazy? I think I'll try to get the bedroom in a liveable state at least tomorrow.

Check out Ari trying to get to mama through the gate! We spent quite a while playing gate peekaboo during dinner preparations today. She thought it was hilarious- she laughed and laughed. Other things my baby thinks are funny:
- Papa trying to wear his glasses (silly papa- those are a baby toy!)
- Being taller than mama- higher than me on the stairs, being held over me, whatever
- Tummy blurbles
- Mama dancing
- Papa making funny voices
In kind of gross news, her increased (and rapidly increasing) intake of solids is starting to show- the last two poopy diapers I changed have smelled funky and had peanut-butter consistency poops in them. Eeeeew.
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