Thad did make me waffles this morning (afternoon, technically), and that was nice. It was kind of a slow day, all things considered, though.

Ari, unfortunately was pretty fussy today (this is her hugging her papa's leg, by the by). I just realized that I didn't mention this yesterday, but Ari had two horrible falls off the steps yesterday. The first time, she toppled off the top step (of three, if you'll recall) and hit the bottom step with her face, and then flipped over and hit the pillows at the bottom on her back. I was right there, but couldn't get to her in time.
She hurt her mouth, and it was bleeding, and I utterly panicked. I haven't dared look at it since, in fact. Specifically, she hurt that little bit of skin between her upper lip and her gums- I hope it just got hurt and not totally torn or anything (although that would be a kinship with Grandpa Marcus!).
The second time she fell, she missed the bottom step, but hit the pillows at the bottom head first- like, with the top of her head. She was totally vertical when she hit. It was horrible.
She's been up and down those stairs umpteen times since I posted saying that she had figured out how to get down safely, so I don't know why this happened. Twice. The moms in my group say that she's testing the boundaries of her environment, and trying new things. I think they're right, but it's terrifying! Anyway, I think she might have been kinda sore today, hence the fussy. She went to bed pretty easily, though (after crying her little eyes out about papa going to work, mind).

I did actually get some costume work done today; mostly during nap and after Ari went to bed. This is for my sluagh costume. The skirt still needs to be sewn up, but I'm waiting to do that last seam until I finish the embroidery on the other panels (I've just done the one so far).
It took me a while to figure out what to do for a top, but I'm quite pleased with the result- and I had just exactly enough fabric, too. It's a very nice vest thing. Now, I just have an underskirt, and a shirt, and finishing the skirt to do. Whee! I hope to finish by Sunday at the latest and have Monday and Tuesday to do my touches and get ready for the trip.
Days to Dragon*Con: 5
Costumes to finish: most of 1, touches on 4 more.
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