Ari's been sleeping really badly the last few days- just fighting sleep. Tonight, she didn't get to bed until nearly 1 AM. If this confuses you, I fudged the time for it to be the right date. Like Brooke, I also feel that it's still Wednesday as long as I haven't gone to bed.
Once she gets to sleep, she's fine. It's just taking forever with a tired baby to get her to bed. Last night was about the same- she fought and fought and finally fell asleep on her daddy about midnight.
We went and got our new tags from the BMV today. For you Changeling fans, know that the BMV is a festering, seeping pit of Banality... after standing in the one line, to get a ticket to stand in the other line, to get a ticket to stand in the other line; plus assorted technicalities- it like to put us into the Forgetting.

Ari's really scary today. She took several unassisted steps (so says Thad- I missed it, although she was walking towards me). She also has utterly defeated our stairs blockade. She was past the blockades and up the stairs three times today- and I do mean, up the stairs. All of them.
We've put the gate back on at the top of the landing, and moved the boxes away from the bottom of the stairs (figuring that they pose more of a hazard for her if she can get past them). She's so much more capable and confident now than she was when we put those boxes up. I just hope that she's okay.
Thad took her over to the game store tonight, to check out the Pirates game, and let me stay home and make stuff. I made a few cool dice bags. I intend to try selling them some...
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