Anyway, she doesn't usually leave food on the floor, and she just about never throws plates, so I often just lay food out for her on a little plate (note for those at home: that's a very cute little grasshopper plate) and put it on a chair, where she can reach it.
Yesterday, I blinded myself- I went to the eye doctor to get an exam so that I can get new glasses to replace the ones that disappeared from my room at D*Con. At 15$ (my copay) I figured, I might as well get a new prescription.

Two hours and many very bright lights later, this is what I came home to. :D
Brooke watched Ari for me while I was gone, and apparently was a total sweetheart for her- and then fell right asleep in her lap. It was so cute, I had to take a pic.
We spent our evening yesterday helping Jaime move into his new place. Ari checked out the apartment very thoroughly for him- she even spent a bunch of time looking underneath the fridge.
Today has mostly been work for me. I did get a nice waffle breakfast at Rick and Brooke's (Jon Stewart included), though, which was cool.
More work now, and tomorrow. :P
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