We did our big shopping trip for the month today; it was a big pain in that way that only three-hour shopping trips to big-box stores can achieve. Ari fell asleep in the car, and so I ended up doing all the shopping while Thad stayed in the car with Ari- particularly fun in the Sam's Club, what with 25-lb bags of flour and whtanot. She did get in about a two hour nap that way, which was good.
We got (among many other things) a new vacuum cleaner, so now we can clean our floors! Yay! Our old vacuum has been slowly dying for ages, so it's been a while since they were properly swept up- and we have an eater baby. Eeeew....

Hmm... by, "we pretty much lost", just so this is clear, I mean "we all came within an inch of dying, and woke up in prison cells on our way to being handed over to our direst and most hated enemy."
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