A complication with our current schedule is that the way Thad's work goes, I don't get any time to work on Wednesdays, so anything that I need to do in advance of Thursdays has to be done on Tuesday- so, I work 9 hours and then have to come home and cook/nurse Ari/do homework.
I think I'm gonna hope that Ari naps tomorrow, though, 'cause I'm not finishing this homework tonight!
Thad and Ari went out in the bike trailer today. They went all around the town! Thad rode over to a baby thrift store and bought her some adorable warm jammies, and went and deposited his paychecks. Then, he took Ari out to lunch at a noodle bar. They had pad thai, and apparently, she snarfed it right up with great gusto.
On another note, I've decided to stop pumping at work. I find I feel kinda strange about that... The other day, though, (last Thursday) I didn't get a chance to pump because of this and that, and I wasn't engorged by the end of the day. Ari must really be eating, because that definitely wasn't the case two months ago... just another sign of how she's growing up.
Of course, so is the rank, rank poop we've been getting lately. X-P
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