Sunday, October 22, 2006


Arrrgh. Ari is so teething lately. I mean, not like we didn't know that, right? She does have an actual, visible nubbin working its way out. But today, she's been all grumpy and out of sorts. Oh, and she's been bitey!

Now that she has top teeth, it's easier than ever to chomp on mama. I have an open wound on my right nipple... I'm not sure how to get her to CUT IT THE HELL OUT, but it's my fondest desire for that to happen. It's really quite shockingly painful.

Well, I'm off to try to do some homework. I've been struggling with these couple of assignments all weekend; I've sent (checks) a total of NINE emails to my instructor about it over the last two days. We'll see if the last one was enough to let me finish the assignment, or whether we're gonna have to make it an even ten-some. Decet? Decad?

Anyway, if I'm lucky, I also get to work on more Halloween prep. Sneaky, sneaky...

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