I've just been busy, as always. School intervenes. The night I took this, I sat down, started writing, and literally fell asleep partway through. I woke up in my chair awhile later and just went to bed...
Lessee... Thursday was a work day, and nothing much to speak of. It was rainy and nasty. I slept through my alarm and missed my meeting with Brian.
Ari spent a bunch of time Friday doing this:

Like, for about 45 minutes, she was doing nothing but go from place to place in the kitchen and checking out what it looked like upside down. Funny girl.
Friday was actually a teacher work day- meaning, Thad had no work in the day. Boo, for our pocketbook, yay for our sanity. I went to school and made up my Brian meeting, and did a bit of work. I also folded a whole bunch of t-shirts.
The t-shirts are actually my design... they're not particularly exciting, but it is kinda cool to see something I drew mass-produced.

Well, she makes for a really big, really wiggly plushy, I suppose.
Thad went to his clix tournament today, for the first time in a long while. Ari and I slept in (whee!) and then did some shopping for Halloween accoutrements- especially candies for the party. I just can't bring myself to buy standard candy... I had to go to the Whole Foods and buy dark chocolate covered things and organic gummy fruits.
I'm so looking forward to Halloween! Just 10 days! And then, I have to start planning for Thanksgiving.
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