This picture is also kinda blurry... that's because, most of the time, I have exactly one try to get a shot before she starts crawling over to me trying to grab the camera... so I try to get it while she's not watching me, and hold it out of sight while it warms up, and then I'm inevitably mashing on the button going, "Take it! Take it quick before it's over!" Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
In any case, here she is doing a pants-on-my-head dance. It was totally adorable. For some reason, she likes to put things on her head lately... it's weird but kinda cute.
Today's been awesome. I got to sleep till 10. Ari napped well. She went to bed on time. I have done nothing useful at all. And I read a brand new Orson Scott Card novel. Today is just the day I needed to make up for the last week. :D
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