Saturday, April 08, 2006

I HATE computers.


My computer has been preventing me from finishing this @#$%#^& project for over 4 hours now. It crashes. It takes 8 minutes to think every time I click. I want to kick the #$*@-ing monitor in.

I'm extending the feeling to all computers in honor of my dear friend Darren's computer, which has become so much molten slag (okay, perhaps I'm exaggerating somewhat) and is thus preventing me from talking to him.

What I really want, of course, is a new shiny computer that does everything I want it to smoothly. All I want is to send baby pictures and movies to my parents. Is that so much to ask of a 2003 iMac running Panther? Evidently so.

I have baby talk, but I think I shall write about it tomorrow, when I'm not feeling quite so vindictive. And when, y'know, it's not 3 in the #$@&-in' morning.

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