Sunday, April 16, 2006

Maple syrup and marshmallows

Today has just been gorgeous. We slept in this morning- well, Thad slept in. I did research about bike trailers and baby gates and high chairs on the internet. Incidentally, I think we've decided on the Wike trailer. My mum is sending us some money that will cover most of it, and it looks like a really nice trailer.

We cleaned up the house a bunch while Ari was having her afternoon nap, too. We installed the table we bought yesterday, and I cleared out the mess around the computer table. We also (as you can see here) went over to the park across the street from our house, and let Ari play in the grass, and on the swings. She loved the swings (as more than just a teether, even!) but was kinda dubious about the grass.

Jaime came over this evening, and he and Thad have mostly been playing Heroclix with each other, although we did get in a nice game of Munchkin Bites.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby swings are so funny. I use to wonder why they were like buckets, but they are perfect. I think the person who invented them surely did not get adequate historical notation. BTW Ari is really cute.