I was late at school yesterday- the meeting with the professor did indeed go later than I should have liked. At Theodore's suggestion, Jaime came over and we spent the evening playing games. We stayed up too late, and got up too early. Thad took Theo to the airport while I was at school. Unfortunately, Thad only budgeted 30 minutes to get Theo on to his flight, and it was consequently missed. Theo was able to get a later flight that still got him to his connection, though, so all was well.

I have finally got 'round to uploading a picture of our new bedroom layout. I was worried about Ari being able to get trapped in a few spaces around our bed, so we changed it. There's a round tube pillow stuffed in at the head of the bed, and we put our pillow pile on the floor on my side of the bed. I like the new layout; if nothing else, it feels kind of invigorating to have a change.
We also separated the cosleeper so it's a free-standing bassinet. Right now it's just a sometimes baby container sort of thing, but there is the concept that she may sleep in there eventually. We'll believe when we see it, right?
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