Monday, May 15, 2006


Well, seeing as how it was a Monday today, I didn't have a terribly exciting day. Ari, on the other hand, was rocking the proverbial casbah! Check out her mad banana-fu. Oh- while you're at it, also check out the super cool pirate outfit she's wearing in the picture. :D Brooke gifted it us for the Mother's Day. Or, more accurately, it was an excuse to give the girl a pirate outfit. ;) To her, we say: "Yaaaar!"

Not only did she munch on apple and banana while I was gone, she also ate nearly all of two whole bags of milk. That only adds up to about 3-4 oz, but it's a vast improvement over nothing. On top of that, she also had nearly a 3 hour nap for her papa.

And check out this badass standing! Technically, in this picture, she's actually leaning on the stairs- but she did stand all on her own for nearly 10 whole seconds today. Oh, and she's stair capable- we've caught her trying to make it up the stairs a couple times now. I think we got them gated off just in time.

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