In any case, I was prevented from writing yesterday by... well... being tired out from Marcon, and also by wanting to spend all the times possible with Steve and Reese before they headed back into the Land of Tiny And Poisonous Snakes.

We had a good time at the last few days of Marcon; it was really nice getting to hang out and game with S&R. I got to RP very briefly with Steve, and it just reminded me how much I miss him as a player! Thad ran a Serenity RPG on Sunday morning, and BlackHat Matt, Monjot, Steve, and two other gentlemen whose names escape me played in it. Thad basically ripped off the plot of Captain Blood, and I got to play Olivia De Havilland's part. There was an astonishingly good performance of the part of Honesty Nuttall from Monjot- especially given that he has never seen Captain Blood!
After we left the con, we got icecream at the North Market with Reese and Steve, and then we all came back here and passed out a while. When Thad and I woke up, we went over to R&B's, and later R&S joined us. There were waffles, and we talked about the push to declare English the national language of the U.S., for some reason. :)

As usual, I've failed to get as much done today as I needed to. I did get the chance to go see X3, which was cool. Oh- and our car is probably nigh on dead. It's started having some serious clutch problems (albeit on-and-off). Thad will take it in to the mechanic tomorrow, but I'm not hopeful. I started searching Craigslist for auto postings already.
You can see here my baby's first bandaid-worthy owie, covered by a stylish Batman bandaid. You'll be pleased to know that I fulfilled my first-time-mom responsibilities by getting frantic, calling for Thad's help, and crying a little while we doctored it. Ari didn't seem to mind it, of course. She didn't even cry when Thad peroxided the cut, even though she did flinch a little so I do think it hurt her. She was such a little trooper.
Oh, and in the category of Super-Exciting Baby News: Ari's first tooth erupted on Saturday! It's still just the barest little nubbly bit, but it's definitely there. Ari is (thus far) apparently a champion teether, though- she totally doesn't seem to care.
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