Today, I managed to get a bunch done, too. I cooked dinner, for one. I prepped it early in the day, and did the cooking bits with Ari on my back in the mei tai- my first time attempting that position without a Thad spotting me (think for a moment about the logistics of tying a baby to your back with a big bandanna with straps, and you'll know what I'm talking about). We walked to the store for bread, and I even made cookies in the afternoon, while she napped.
I made two more nursing necklaces, and Ari seems to like them. Score! I have high hopes for the saving of my tender flesh. We also finally retrieved our drill from R&B, so we can install gates now. This is vitally important, because our bedroom door blocks most sound. Convenient, perhaps, but it also means that if the bedroom door is shut during Ari naps (as it must be, at the moment, to prevent an increasingly mobile girl from falling down the stairs) that I'm unable to hear her very well if she wakes and needs me. This actually screwed up her nap today, too- she'd been crying for some time before Thad happened to go upstairs and hear her. Poor girl. :(
I was calling to tell you that Steve and I might be in Ohio May 25, 26, & 27 for a job interview.
:( I was sad you didn't call back. If I'd known you wouldn't, I would have just talked to you then! You called just as I was trying to wrestle with a poopy butt baby and attempting to not let her smear poop everywhere, as is her wont. ;)
I actually tried to call you back, but I couldn't find the number for Steve's mum- I think I lost it.
Call me again!
This pictures makes Geoffrey squeal with delight!
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