Well, happy anniversary to me and Thad. :) Today makes five years that we've been bound together in the eyes of the law. We celebrated by... um... *cough*goingtoagamingconvention*cough*. We are such geeks. We went dressed as vampire hunters (basically cobbled together leftover D*Con costumes), and we have Ari here dressed as... I'm not sure what. A victim? A vampire? A gore-splattered slayer? She was cute, anyhow! :D
As you can see, they even gave her her own badge- I'm told it was for security purposes, if she got separated from us. I have to admit, though, that I was pretty enchanted by my baby's first con badge. It has her name on it and everything!
We had a pretty good time at the con today. Nobody showed for Thad's Hellboy game, but it was just as well, because we were in the registration line so long, he would have had to start an hour late for his game. Instead, we went and got food and met up with Rick... checked out the dealer's room and the art show and even let Ari crawl around on the floor a little. There was even a free sushi bar set up in the ConSuite, but it started right when I was supposed to be running my Arkham Horror game.
As it turned out, though, there was a screwup in the schedule, and I was really supposed to have started the game an hour earlier! The printed schedule grid (which is what they presented to the public- i.e., me) said 8 o'clock, but their database, and therefore the sign-up sheets, said 7 o'clock. Whee.
Anyway, we played AH (won) and then went and checked out the Doctor Who party they were having upstairs. Brooke and I would have been perfectly happy to sit and munch their munchies and watch the episode of Who they were showing, but the boys were antsy. We went ahead and left the Who party, and went down to the ConSuite (always a good choice!) and gamed a little more.
Just a note- the ConSuite at Marcon is the best ConSuite ever! They have decent food at most hours- including stuff that isn't just sugary crap. Cheese and veggies and fruit and all. Also, they have big tables, with chairs (and even a few couches)- lots of them! We never do pickup gaming in the game room- we always go do it in the ConSuite, where they have tasty snacks and drinks and comfy chairs.
After that, we had a long walk home, on which Ari (miraculously) didn't just pass out! Oh, and some asshat whacked me with a cup full of water at me from his car. What the hell? I thought I was out of freakin' high school.
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