Anyway, yesterday was Thursday-licious. It was notable because Ari took a two and a half hour long nap, without mama to nurse her back down! She passed right out when I laid her down after we got home, and then I had to go meet with a student. Thad was working at Everett, so he got home right as she was passing out, and I was able to just go. I didn't get home 'till near on 5 o'clock, but she just slept right through the whole thing. She didn't wake up until after I was home, which made me happy.
Today was the Day of Laundry- I did four loads, the last of which was diapers (still unretrieved from the dryer, you'll note). In between laundry loads, Ari and I had a good time dancing around to the music my mother sent me for Mother's Day. Ari loves dancing with me, or watching me dance, so she was happy. We also spent a good long time making faces at each other. I love watching her when she's happy- her little mouth goes wiiide open in a big grin, and she laughs with her whole body!
We went to Janessa's house in the evening (tonight was a Shaintair night, so I had to amuse myself somehow), and I kept her out way too late, poor little girl.
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