Ari is sitting in my lap, sticking Aquaman in my face and laughing like a crazy person every time I say "Aaah!" or "Don't stick Aquaman in my eyeballs!"
Anyway, just now I said, "I think you're a little punchy!" It is late, after all.
She picked up her baby doll's fist, connected it to my face, and said, "Punch!"
:D My baby cracks me up.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Wanting milk

The last few weeks have been pretty suck. I've been really sick, and Thad's been working alot. His days start early and end early, partly because he's been biking this route to work every day. It's nice because it leaves me the car (although I've been busing when convenient) and also means using less gas. :P But it does mean a 45 minute ride at both ends of his day, and get up at 6:00 AM.
It's so weird, because I've gone from going to bed at 1 or 2 in the morning habitually to sacking out- exhausted- around 10 or 11. I'm just tired all the time right now. The worst of the nausea seems to have let up; now my problem is that I'm too exhausted to cook anything, so even though I could eat, there's no food.

But then we went out to Heath (an hour away!) and met with an independent midwife named Kathy, and we really hit it off with her and her apprentice. Her apprentice lives in town, which makes me feel better about the whole hour-away thing, also. Anyway, so we agreed that we would have her attend the birth here. I'm not sure where in my tiny apartment this will happen, but I think we can work that out later. :)
Well, we're trying to get our horrible house cleaned up before we have guests for Origins this upcoming week. Wish us luck. :)

Friday, June 13, 2008
Big ol' cranes
It rained yesterday. Alot! With wind. The power went out, and when we stepped out the front porch, look what we saw! This is the rec center across the street. As near as I can tell, by the way, that white car was completely unharmed.
To be honest, the whole thing made me slightly nostalgic. :) I did comment that if my parents had had a tree that rotten (see the rotting bits where it split?) they would have had it removed a long time ago, to prevent just this sort of event.
Oh, and when I came home from work last night, the local NBC station was filming some sort of news spot in front of it. Then I got woken up this morning by shouty men with buzz saws who were breaking the tree down. The whole thing is still there- I guess they mostly wanted to get it out of the street, and make sure it wasn't caught in any nearby branches so that it could fall and hurt someone.
Ari thought the rain was really cool.
Friday, June 06, 2008
A whole bag of nuts

But she was insistent. "Oh Ari!" she said. Finally, I looked around. Across the room, on the tile floor next to the kitchen, was a smashed egg. Apparently, Ari had gotten the last egg out of the carton sitting on the counter, and smashed it (advertently or inadvertently?) on the ground. Then, she went and got a cloth to clean it up with. She'd clearly tried to clean it up, not been successful, and come to me. Since "Oh, Ari!" seems to be what I say when I run across a particularly nasty mess she's made, that's clearly the thing you say. Kids are smart.
PS: Thad made this pie today. It is full of berries. I bet you five dollars it will be delicious.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Getting my English up

This was me letting her run around the "back yard" (And by "back yard", I mean tiny fenced in space behind our house with two very broke benches and an increasingly enormous quantity of greenery round the edges) while I cooked. She fingerpainted and played with her balls and played with the trailer and then wanted to "ride bikes".
We've also been doing a lot of drawing with chalk on the front and back stoops.

We finally went and got a membership to COSI. COSI memberships are usually hella expensive, but we are not only poor, we are officially poor and on public assistance. That meant we were able to get an "access" membership, for not hella expensive.
That, in turn, means that Ari gets to go play in Little Kidspace, which is the kick-ass play area they have. It's got a water play area, and a big ol' playground, and some dress up/pretend areas and an enormous pile of blocks. Oh, and a giant helicopter and ambulance that kids can get in and "drive". Anyway, so this was Ari, dressing up like a doctor. She was running off to go drive the ambulance.

As for us- Thad is done subbing for the school year. He's supposed to start a test grading job on Monday, which will run for maybe 6 weeks, and then he will go back to the Target. Well, up his hours at the Target- he's still working there one night a week.
My kids (I mean students) are supposed to give me their finals tomorrow, and then I have to grade them. Otherwise, I'm done for the summer. My goal is to have my final draft of my dissertation proposal done in the next week. I am, however, being frustrated in that goal by being stupidly sick.
For those of you who didn't know, I'm about 8 weeks pregnant, due sometime in January. I am in the hating-my-life stage. It ought to last about another month, or so.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Spit in your eye
The three of us went to the almost-a-dollar theatre (inflation being what it is, you know) tonight to see The Spiderwick Chronicles, which is based off of a series of books that Thad read Ari when she was a tiny baby. It was our first time seeing a movie with Ari since she was four months old. She really liked it. :D Highlight of the movie for me was my daughter squealing "Issa GISSIN! Issa GISSIN!" when the griffin ("gissin") came on the screen.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Unicorn revenge

We have had sort of a low-profile weekend. Sunday was Mother's Day, of course, which I mostly celebrated by sleeping late and then getting taken out to a breakfast buffet, full of- as Kathy says- piggies and pancakes. Blueberry pancakes.

It has been cold and rainy here. It sucks. I want the warm weather now! We were taunted by nice weather, but now it's pretty much coat temperatures again. :P Ari hates it because the cold and wet means no outings to the
park, and being stuck in the house all day.
I hate it because it means that my two year old doesn't get to climb her crazy out. Ech. Hope us for better weather soon, so my baby can play.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Night night Papa for the third time

Ari has been into decorating herself lately. She found where we had our Sharpie markers- thank god, she was mostly interested in drawing on herself. Yesterday, she had to have two baths due to close encounters with food dyes and some washable markers.
Mind, I've been writing this entry over several days, so "yesterday" in the prior paragraph is like, Sunday.
Today, on the other hand, has been a pretty exciting day. Ari cooked with me for the first time today. It was a pretty mixed success. :) She had been having kind of a rough, tantrumy day, and when I started cooking soup, she was really interested. I went ahead and got out a chair for her so she could see what I was doing, and I gave her a spoon to stir the broth, and so on.

Then I started seasoning the broth, and she was super interested in that, so I started aliquoting herbs and spices into a little cup, and letting her dump them into the broth. She was having a great time.
Then I had to go upstairs. Then, when I came downstairs, I discovered that, in cooking the five pounds of brisket that I cooked yesterday, I left the celery salt out on the table. I discovered this by finding the empty celery salt jar next to my beautifully seasoned beef broth! There wasn't much in the jar, but she'd still dumped about a tablespoon and a half of it into the now-incredibly-oversalted broth. I was able to rescue it with two more cups of unsalted broth and some tomato juice, but still. It just wasn't quite the same.
It was really cool cooking with her, though. I hope I get to do it LOTS more. :D

She has definitely not progressed to knowing what to use the potty for, mind. But this is still a big jump up from the little girl who didn't seem to notice that the potty existed at all or what we did with it.
Couple of other things: we taught Ari how to blow on dandelions for wishes. She really digs it. She's been really tantrumy of late. I choose to hope that this heralds the cusp of a new developmental stage.
Oh, and she's been really freaking me out on the playground. I try hard to stand back and let her find her own boundaries- which she's really quite good at- but she's constantly attempting things I don't think she should be able to do. She's always either succeeded at them safely, or turned back if she didn't think she could do it. And I really do want her to learn to not do things because she knows they're not safe, not because I told her so.
But still. She's climbed to the top of the jungle gym, and I don't think she can get down without falling. I'm there biting my nails and making myself wait until she asks for help. She doesn't, though. She always climbs down on her own.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Cordon bleu rolls in puff pastry

This weekend, we went to the Viking Festival, now an annual favorite (Ari's been every year she's been alive, thus far). Miss Ariadne had the Good, Good Times there, as you can see.

She also had loads of fun with the music. We listened to this band composed of a dude playing a German bagpipe (did you know that the Germans had bagpipes? Apparently, most of Europe did) and another dude playing various kinds of drums. Ari, as you can see, had a good time dancing.

Then we went home and ate pamcakes and played Munchkin and watched a little Doctor Who.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Flopping around like a pig with his head cut off

This is Ari, making her dinosaur drink from her cup. Ari had good times at Cookbook Party Club. Thad took her to parks and whatnot while we cooked, and then she got to play with Jeff and "Book" and "Tabbus", three of her very favoritest people.

She's been a bit more verbal now. She parrots alot, but also talks about things. She asks for "Sammy Hooogs" alot (her way of pronouncing "family hugs", which is when we all three get in a group hug-and-kiss session).
Oh, and she is way into "nopples". Comes of being a breastfed baby, I suppose.

She wandered around in it, saying "my nopples!" for a while, which cracked me up. She clearly knows what that top is about.
Tonight, we played UnMet again. I very dig that game. For dinner, I roasted a chicken, and made mashed potatoes and steamed asparagus (asparagus was on cheap at the store). Then, for dessert, I made this fantastic devil's food cake, and put strawberries in the middle, and cream cheese frosting on top. It was fairly phenomenal, in my opinion.
funny baby,
Kira and Travis,
Rick and Brooke
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Tea for six and a half

We've been having a lovely set of spring breaks. I was off, and then Thad was off for my first week of classes, so that was nice. Oh, and I bought a bike again. My last one got stole at the end of fall (more or less) out of our backyard, which I was upset about. I like the new bike, though. It's super light (I think the lightest bike I've ever owned) and it rides really nice. I got it at Once Ridden, which, as far as I can tell, is the only used bike shop in the C-Bus. I approve of good used bikes. It's like recycling. Also, those guys are so the best bike mechanics. When you recondition old bikes, you really know your way around a frikkin' bike, you know?

Right! Road trip! We've been wanting to do a little steampunk crafting, but oh noes! We had no appropriately steampunky bits and bobs. So, Rick recommended us to go to this place in Dayton called Mendelson's. It was this crazy enormous warehouse full of weird crap. I giggled like a schoolgirl. Literally, I'm not joking about that. I mean, this place had an entire room just for vacuum tubes. I said, get in my ray guns! and bought seven.

It has a buffet, where you can eat as much broasted chicken and beef and turkey roast as you want. And also, you can have mashed potatoes and corn and green beans and amishy noodles. And they bring you as much rolls as you want. I ate and ate and ate. Ari had pizza, actually. I'm glad Thad was paying attention to her fooding, because I was paying attention to the fine, fine eating I was doing. I think he knew that he was going to have to look after her for the duration of that meal. Because, I mean, broasted chicken.
Then there was pie afterwards.
Kira and Travis,
Rick and Brooke,
Thursday, March 20, 2008
We always knew you was a whoopsy...

Then, on the way home, it got even colder. Then it started to hail. Then, it started to snow. Then, the roads got really horrible. Ech. Anyway, we got home and I made scones (I love scones) and we played 4x4 HoMMV and worked on our craft projects. Apron: done, and also a copper mesh surgical mask. Now I have to make that blouse. I'm a little frightened. Tailoring is hard.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I don't have balls to slow me down.

Ari is much better with her spoon use. Also, she came up to me after cereal today with a cloth to help her wipe the wayward milk off. :D

It was good times for all, really. There's more pictures here, if you're interested.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Not for me. Only Gileta!

For those of you who don't know, or weren't aware, Gary Gygax- the man behind Dungeons and Dragons- died last week. The geek community has gone into mourning. Seriously. And, while it's true that Thad and I don't actually like Dungeons and Dragons, the fact remains that we would not be who we are or where we are if Gary Gygax had not lived his life as he did. The least we could do was buy some pizza, some Cheetos, and some Mountain Dew, and play his freakin' game for one night.

We even rolled to see if we were getting drunk.
PS: Ari asked for something today. She put the bag of bagels in my hand, and- quite clearly- said, "I want a bagel, please". Well, it might have sounded more like "A wan' boggle pease. Boggle pease." Nevertheless, my baby asked for something. With words. For like, the first time ever. :D
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Anyway, it occurs to me that I haven't talked at all about my absence from my life here, or the outcome of anything. So, well, first of all: I passed.
Let me just say that again. I passed.
I only found out yesterday, because yesterday was the oral defense, which was really scary to contemplate beforehand, but not actually so scary in real life. It turns out that when you spend three weeks locked in an attic doing nothing but read stuff about a set of topics, you actually have opinions and thoughts about those topics afterwards. Who knew?

Anyhow, so I was locked in an attic*. I planned to stay with R&B for a week, and stayed for two. Lovely people that they are, they fed me lunch and breakfast and dinner and let me put enormous stacks of books on their dining table and play my 82-song "work" playlist over and over again. And they let me talk at them- at length- about analogy and grammaticalization and theories of contact-induced change. They even went "uh huh" and "yeah" and "bitch is crazy!" at the appropriate moments, and didn't complain when I seemed like I might just be staying indefinitely.
It was this huge, crazy thing, of me coming face to face with the work. Do or die, moment, right? No excuses, no putting it off. In theory.
So, my exam was due the 27th (a Wednesday) and it became clear by Monday that I just wasn't going to make that deadline. Brian told me I had to have it in by the morning of Monday the 3rd at the absolute latest. And there I am, on Sunday morning. I had 8 pages of question 1 and 5 pages of question 2 and 4 pages of question 3 and no pages at all of my dissertation proposal. At all.
After three weeks of not being able to write much at all, I suddenly went into overdrive. The final version of the exam was in the vicinity of 30 pages, and the proposal (written in about 4 hours straight on Sunday) was 28 pages long. It's been years since I wrote that much in one place. Hopefully it bodes well for the future. I've certainly been in a funk as far as work is concerned.
Anyway, I turned in the exam at about 3:30 in the morning on Monday. Then I went to bed around 5, and got up at 8 and taught. Thank god, I wasn't lecturing- it was presentations from the students.
Then, I didn't think about the exam for a solid week. Didn't read over my answers, didn't even look at a book. I moved back into my own house again. Then, after months and months of not feeling motivated to do anything except mess around on the internet, I suddenly felt like making stuff. So, I did that shirt applique, and started making myself costume pieces for Unhallowed Metropolis, and cooked a five course gourmet Victorian dinner for game night, and planned all kinds of fun stuff for upcoming days. Like Friday, when we're going to play Sheherezade and have a delicious Middle Eastern dinner that I've planned. There will be pastry involved.
Then, it was time for the defense, and I hadn't looked at or thought about my exam for a week. I ended up just reading over my answers in the morning. And, shockingly enough, when they asked me questions, I knew the answers- or at least, I knew things to say. I had ideas and responses. The exam was two hours long, and it was 15 minutes shy of over before I even noticed the time.
I turned my paper in to the Graduate School yesterday afternoon, so it's official. I swear, I didn't know whether or not I was going to finish the exam until that Sunday morning. It was that close, and there were moments when I thought it might well kill me. But here I am, and I passed.
There's the dissertation, now, of course, but I refuse to think about that for a while now. I have creative food to cook, and Victorian clothing to sew.
*To be fair, it was a lovely attic. It had a nice desk, and shelves, and a comfy chair next to the window where I did part of my reading. It also had an enormous bathroom with a gorgeous clawfooted tub, which is where I did most of my reading- with my sonic screwdriver and my postit notes balanced on the edge of the tub.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Eek! It's a mouse.
It snowed yesterday. And when I say that it snowed yesterday, I mean, it SNOWED yesterday.
This is the front of our house. That big lump of snow in the left of the picture is our car. The lump of pink and purple is our daughter. :) (Thanks, Jen, for the snowsuit!)
So, after something like 14 inches of snow fell out of the sky, what did we do? Well, Brooke got the idea that we should go get ice cream. It's right down the street, after all, and they sent us a message saying they'd be open today. So, we hiked down High street in the snow. This is Rick, bundled up like a snow ninja, standing there on High. The yoga people shoveled their walk. High fives, yoga people!

The hiking was pretty slow going, especially with a toddler, but she had so much fun. She was obviously cold, but she was just grinning ear to ear. Brooke helped her in the snow alot. I had enough trouble getting me through the snow. Did I mention that I wore my snow pants for the very first time? (Thanks, Grandma!) People from Florida shouldn't have to wear snow pants, I say.
And then, we arrived! Jeni's icecream is the best. We made the poor man give us five million samples before we ordered. I got the "Roxbury Road" (Belgian milk chocolate, homemade marshmallows, toasted almonds) and the Forest Berry. It was phenomenal.
Thad had a cheesecake and brownie icecream that was really excellent as well. Ari totally vikinged his cone, though. I told him we should get her her own. Also, check out her spoon use. :D
Then we walked home. There was a snowball fight involved. Just so you know, the reason Ari is sitting in the snow saying "Ooow! Ooow!" is because Thad had shoved me into a snow drift just previous to the snowball fight breaking out, and because cold cold snow HURTS when you shove it up against poor naked flesh. Like the flesh in between the end of my sleeve/jacket and the beginning of my gloves and mittens. So, she'd just got to hear a bunch of mama going "OW! Dammit, OW!" :)

The hiking was pretty slow going, especially with a toddler, but she had so much fun. She was obviously cold, but she was just grinning ear to ear. Brooke helped her in the snow alot. I had enough trouble getting me through the snow. Did I mention that I wore my snow pants for the very first time? (Thanks, Grandma!) People from Florida shouldn't have to wear snow pants, I say.

Thad had a cheesecake and brownie icecream that was really excellent as well. Ari totally vikinged his cone, though. I told him we should get her her own. Also, check out her spoon use. :D
Then we walked home. There was a snowball fight involved. Just so you know, the reason Ari is sitting in the snow saying "Ooow! Ooow!" is because Thad had shoved me into a snow drift just previous to the snowball fight breaking out, and because cold cold snow HURTS when you shove it up against poor naked flesh. Like the flesh in between the end of my sleeve/jacket and the beginning of my gloves and mittens. So, she'd just got to hear a bunch of mama going "OW! Dammit, OW!" :)
Monday, March 03, 2008
I have inside me blood of kings
The Thrilling Conclusion to...Two Years a Papa...
By my reckoning this will make a full dozen of my proxy blogs since Julia went off the grid. Julia comes home tomorrow!! YAY!!!!
When I last spoke with her she had finished her dissertation proposal and only needed to do the final editing of her exam questions so she should be in good shape when she has to turn them all in tomorrow morning.
As for me, a new release for one of my favorite games came out last week, and so I got to play that some yesterday. Jeff, Ray-Ray, and Jaime all came over for a big four person game last night, which was lots of fun. The game in question is Heroclix, a silly little minis game meant to mimic comic books, but I have fun with it. I consider it to be about the closest thing I have to a vice. (I hear we're all entitled to one of those, right?)
Enough about grad school and little plastic figures, you all want to hear about a little girl.
Evidently I don't do so well learning from experience. Previously I mentioned how my camera ran out of power at the conservatory; well I went galavanting out sans spare battery again. This time it was while at the North Market. I got Ari and myself some slices of pizza and we sat down on a bench to partake of them and she looked so cute sitting on the bench with her little boots dangling in the air while eating a big slice of New York style pizza that I thought I'd take a picture. Well, as mentioned above, I failed to take the desired snapshot. Ari, however, did not fail in snagging my slice of pizza while I was up. What can I say, she's a viking. I have no one to blame but myself, that's what I get for having bought her cheese pizza and pepperoni for myself.
Just like last time, to make up for having failed picture-wise I got Shermy to fire up the Way Back Machine to find an earlier picture of Ari at the North Market. This time though, we really had to turn back the clock.

She's not that easy to carry anymore.
On the trip shown in the photo Grandpa Marcus bought Ari a lovely purple wool coat to keep her warm for her first Winter.
Ari was still wearing that coat this last Winter.
That dragon hat doesn't fit her anymore though. Believe me, I've checked.
I may not have learned to carry a spare camera battery with me, but Ari is definitely learning things, like how to put herself to bed.
The other day I reported on how she had gone to bed by herself. Well, what I left out was that I had been there with her and had lied down beside her until she fell asleep.
Last night, however, she had been up in her room for a while and I thought that she was just playing or reading as she is often want to do, but when I went up to check on her this was what I saw:

There she was, snug as a bug and fast asleep. Fortunately, I had already put her in a night diaper and brushed her teeth.
That's about all I've got. I'll leave you with one last bit of utter sappiness before returning you to your irregularly scheduled Julia blogging.
Today Ari and I spent awhile just sort wrestling and playing around in her room. Something Ari kept doing was pouncing on me and wrapping her arms around me like in a hug and shouting "I gotcha!"
Trapped in her powerful two year old grip all I could do was look down into those big blue eyes and think, "Yes dear, you certainly do."
By my reckoning this will make a full dozen of my proxy blogs since Julia went off the grid. Julia comes home tomorrow!! YAY!!!!
When I last spoke with her she had finished her dissertation proposal and only needed to do the final editing of her exam questions so she should be in good shape when she has to turn them all in tomorrow morning.
As for me, a new release for one of my favorite games came out last week, and so I got to play that some yesterday. Jeff, Ray-Ray, and Jaime all came over for a big four person game last night, which was lots of fun. The game in question is Heroclix, a silly little minis game meant to mimic comic books, but I have fun with it. I consider it to be about the closest thing I have to a vice. (I hear we're all entitled to one of those, right?)
Enough about grad school and little plastic figures, you all want to hear about a little girl.
Evidently I don't do so well learning from experience. Previously I mentioned how my camera ran out of power at the conservatory; well I went galavanting out sans spare battery again. This time it was while at the North Market. I got Ari and myself some slices of pizza and we sat down on a bench to partake of them and she looked so cute sitting on the bench with her little boots dangling in the air while eating a big slice of New York style pizza that I thought I'd take a picture. Well, as mentioned above, I failed to take the desired snapshot. Ari, however, did not fail in snagging my slice of pizza while I was up. What can I say, she's a viking. I have no one to blame but myself, that's what I get for having bought her cheese pizza and pepperoni for myself.
Just like last time, to make up for having failed picture-wise I got Shermy to fire up the Way Back Machine to find an earlier picture of Ari at the North Market. This time though, we really had to turn back the clock.

She's not that easy to carry anymore.
On the trip shown in the photo Grandpa Marcus bought Ari a lovely purple wool coat to keep her warm for her first Winter.
Ari was still wearing that coat this last Winter.
That dragon hat doesn't fit her anymore though. Believe me, I've checked.
I may not have learned to carry a spare camera battery with me, but Ari is definitely learning things, like how to put herself to bed.
The other day I reported on how she had gone to bed by herself. Well, what I left out was that I had been there with her and had lied down beside her until she fell asleep.
Last night, however, she had been up in her room for a while and I thought that she was just playing or reading as she is often want to do, but when I went up to check on her this was what I saw:

There she was, snug as a bug and fast asleep. Fortunately, I had already put her in a night diaper and brushed her teeth.
That's about all I've got. I'll leave you with one last bit of utter sappiness before returning you to your irregularly scheduled Julia blogging.
Today Ari and I spent awhile just sort wrestling and playing around in her room. Something Ari kept doing was pouncing on me and wrapping her arms around me like in a hug and shouting "I gotcha!"
Trapped in her powerful two year old grip all I could do was look down into those big blue eyes and think, "Yes dear, you certainly do."

Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Brave and the Bold
Is it *STILL* Two Years a Papa?...
*Sigh* it is indeed. Julia was hoping to be done by now, but is still feverishly plugging away.
We tried to go over and give her a pep-up last night, but it was slushing so bad and the tires on our car are so worn that it felt unsafe to drive so I brought Ari home. Today we went and brought her hugs and junk food to cheer her up. Our favorite wings place (Zaxbys) is opening a location near our house, but they're not open yet so she had to settle for fries and a burger.
Now, presenting:
Ariadne Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Toybox!

Its true that they grow up so fast...
Today Ari was reading with me and repeated the whole phrase "Eeek! Its a mouse!" She's been getting quite verbal lately and is more and more able to make herself understood.
She's also been acting like a teenager! She'll contentedly spend over an hour hanging out in her room and has even pushed me out of the room and shut the door in my face!
Although she does tend to giggle like mad if I open the door and come in growling like a monster. We'll see if she still likes that ten years from now.
In other silly Ari news...
We have a box of things that we're collecting to send to Theresa, mostly books and the like, but I also put in one of those Cadbury Creme eggs. I'm not very fond of them myself, but Theresa seems to like them. Sometime when I wasn't looking though Ari swiped the candy from the box, brought it up to her room, and unwrapped it. When I went to check on her the chocolate egg was sitting unmolested on a chair while she happily gnawed on the wrapper.
I took the wrapper away and split her ill-gotten gains with her.
It is tough taking on the roll of a single parent, even briefly, but no matter how big the shoes are that I've got to fill Ari is willing to help...
I need to wrap this up as it is late and Ari and I have gotten into the bad habit of sleeping-in. It's just awfully hard to get up when you've got a snuggly little two year old in the bed. Especially one who likes to play peek-a-boo with the covers.
*Sigh* it is indeed. Julia was hoping to be done by now, but is still feverishly plugging away.
We tried to go over and give her a pep-up last night, but it was slushing so bad and the tires on our car are so worn that it felt unsafe to drive so I brought Ari home. Today we went and brought her hugs and junk food to cheer her up. Our favorite wings place (Zaxbys) is opening a location near our house, but they're not open yet so she had to settle for fries and a burger.
Now, presenting:
Ariadne Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Toybox!

Its true that they grow up so fast...
Today Ari was reading with me and repeated the whole phrase "Eeek! Its a mouse!" She's been getting quite verbal lately and is more and more able to make herself understood.
She's also been acting like a teenager! She'll contentedly spend over an hour hanging out in her room and has even pushed me out of the room and shut the door in my face!
Although she does tend to giggle like mad if I open the door and come in growling like a monster. We'll see if she still likes that ten years from now.
In other silly Ari news...
We have a box of things that we're collecting to send to Theresa, mostly books and the like, but I also put in one of those Cadbury Creme eggs. I'm not very fond of them myself, but Theresa seems to like them. Sometime when I wasn't looking though Ari swiped the candy from the box, brought it up to her room, and unwrapped it. When I went to check on her the chocolate egg was sitting unmolested on a chair while she happily gnawed on the wrapper.
I took the wrapper away and split her ill-gotten gains with her.
It is tough taking on the roll of a single parent, even briefly, but no matter how big the shoes are that I've got to fill Ari is willing to help...

I need to wrap this up as it is late and Ari and I have gotten into the bad habit of sleeping-in. It's just awfully hard to get up when you've got a snuggly little two year old in the bed. Especially one who likes to play peek-a-boo with the covers.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
You don't believe in magic? What kind of witch are you??
Aw shucks, it's Two Years a Papa...

Blah blah...went to the library...yada yada.. did some role playing...
Anyway, here's Ari being cute in one of her mama's hats.
And THIS ladies and gentleman, THIS is a little girl who put HERSELF to bed!
She took off her shirt, pulled up the covers, and just lay there until she was asleep.

Blah blah...went to the library...yada yada.. did some role playing...
Anyway, here's Ari being cute in one of her mama's hats.
And THIS ladies and gentleman, THIS is a little girl who put HERSELF to bed!

Monday, February 25, 2008
No more Scots, please. One is enough.
Who'da thunk it? More Two Years a Papa...
I really like having fresh baked bread. It was something I always enjoyed (and still appreciate) at my parents' house. Lately, I've been trying to perfect my own home recipe from the Fanny Farmer cookbook. My first two attempts came out denser than I would like (a regular problem with my yeasty baking), but over all okay.
*Huh, evidently Blogger doesn't recognize "okay" as a word. "OK" is okay though.*
Back to bread- I was looking forward to trying a variant tonight. It involved minced garlic, basil, and a whole cup of parmesan cheese, which I had to especially purchase. It would have gone great with the pizza we were having. Unfortunately, I got so caught up in the Unhallowed Metropolis game (we were attacked by ghouls right away!) that I totally forgot the loaves of bread until they were thoroughly burned.
UnMet was lots of fun though. Julia took her one big break from working to come play. We even did a little photo session beforehand.
Travis didn't dress up so he got to be the photographer. Actually, I didn't dress up either, this is basically how I dress these days; although not always in so much sepia. If I had realized we'd be doing a little photo shoot I'd have worn the spiffy vest and hat that I got for my birthday.
It was very nice to have people over. Ari and I hadn't had any real interaction with others since the playgroup that we went to on Tuesday. Ari was so very sad when her mama had to leave again. The last slice of pizza was barely enough to consul her.
Speaking of Ari, I haven't forgotten that she is the star of this blog. Here she is wearing a silly thing on her head and trying to get in on the gaming.
Tomorrow we have another gaming night and then Julia will be back on Thursday.
For her birthday back in August Theresa gave Julia a certificate for a free message. Julia never used it and it hasn't expired yet so we figure that will be a nice thing for her to do as soon as she turns in her exams.
I really like having fresh baked bread. It was something I always enjoyed (and still appreciate) at my parents' house. Lately, I've been trying to perfect my own home recipe from the Fanny Farmer cookbook. My first two attempts came out denser than I would like (a regular problem with my yeasty baking), but over all okay.
*Huh, evidently Blogger doesn't recognize "okay" as a word. "OK" is okay though.*
Back to bread- I was looking forward to trying a variant tonight. It involved minced garlic, basil, and a whole cup of parmesan cheese, which I had to especially purchase. It would have gone great with the pizza we were having. Unfortunately, I got so caught up in the Unhallowed Metropolis game (we were attacked by ghouls right away!) that I totally forgot the loaves of bread until they were thoroughly burned.
UnMet was lots of fun though. Julia took her one big break from working to come play. We even did a little photo session beforehand.

It was very nice to have people over. Ari and I hadn't had any real interaction with others since the playgroup that we went to on Tuesday. Ari was so very sad when her mama had to leave again. The last slice of pizza was barely enough to consul her.
Speaking of Ari, I haven't forgotten that she is the star of this blog. Here she is wearing a silly thing on her head and trying to get in on the gaming.

Tomorrow we have another gaming night and then Julia will be back on Thursday.
For her birthday back in August Theresa gave Julia a certificate for a free message. Julia never used it and it hasn't expired yet so we figure that will be a nice thing for her to do as soon as she turns in her exams.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
It's a Drow Gargoyle
Could it be...Two Years a Papa?
Or maybe it's just a sleepy little bean.
Yesterday I took Ari to the Franklin Park Conservatory, where they charge admission for two-year olds. *harumph* Ari had a grand old time running around looking at the funny plants and toy train displays they had set up throughout much of the conservatory. Unfortunately, the battery on my camera died the first time I tried to take a picture of her. So you'll have to make do with a photo flash-back from when she went to the conservatory with her grandpa Marcus nearly a year ago.
This morning Ari was kinda sick, throwing up a little and running a low fever. I let her get lots of sleep today and she is doing so much better. She's also up and bouncy at 4 in the morning because she slept so much during the day. Papa, who had to get up early so repair men could fix our screen door and clean up Ari puke isn't quite so bouncy. She's climbing on me as I write this and is saying something or other about monkeys.
Lately I've been reading a book called Baltimore, or, the Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire I am finding it quite compelling although also entirely depressing at times. I suppose that I would describe it as "folkloristic gothic horror". It's not entirely dissimilar in feel to Unhallowed Metropolis, which we get to play tomorrow. Yay!

Yesterday I took Ari to the Franklin Park Conservatory, where they charge admission for two-year olds. *harumph* Ari had a grand old time running around looking at the funny plants and toy train displays they had set up throughout much of the conservatory. Unfortunately, the battery on my camera died the first time I tried to take a picture of her. So you'll have to make do with a photo flash-back from when she went to the conservatory with her grandpa Marcus nearly a year ago.

Lately I've been reading a book called Baltimore, or, the Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire I am finding it quite compelling although also entirely depressing at times. I suppose that I would describe it as "folkloristic gothic horror". It's not entirely dissimilar in feel to Unhallowed Metropolis, which we get to play tomorrow. Yay!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
7/9ths of an Elephant!
Yes indeedy, it's Two Years a Papa...
So, Shutterfly doesn't work the way I thought it did and the link that I provided for the pictures of Ari taking a walk in the snow is useless. However, if you click on "Family Photos" here or under "Links of Interest" it should take you to Julia's shared albums, including the one I tried to link to the other day.
Speaking of Ari taking a walk in the snow...
This is a snow suit that Ari was given at the start of Winter. It is a hand-me-down from a girl younger than Ari who had outgrown it. That's right, younger.
Ari actually wore her mittens most of the time we were out. She kept taking her hands out then deciding it really was too cold and put them back inside the mittens.
It was a lot colder today than it was when we went to Glen Echo. Tomorrow looks at least as bad and it has snowed some more. They're fairly likely to close the schools again tomorrow.
Today I just went to the park across the street with Ari and she had great fun just tromping in the snow and on the poor neglected playground equipment. She even enjoyed playing on the swings, although her cheeks are still a little red from that.
There are some great wooden structures on the playground that look PERFECT for snowball fights to my mind. The utter lack of footprints in the several day-old snow says that the Youth of America disagrees. Ah well, unspoiled snow for my little girl.
Last Summer I was practically forced by a "volunteen" at the local library to sign Ari up for their Summer reading program. Evidently just her looking at books or having them read to her counted. This over-lapped with our trip to Maine and Maryanne can verify that Ari had those Richard Scarry books read to her so often that the binding started to come undone. Anyway as part of her reward for completing the program the library let her pick out a book to keep. She went for the one with a duck on the cover. The book is called "Wiggle Waggle" and it gives silly sounds for some of the ways that different animals walk. "How does a cat walk? Pish~posh, pish~posh."
I mention all this just because the last couple of nights Ari and I have been reading the book and acting out some of the animal motions. Which is to say... Ari is awfully cute.
I'll try to get a video of her doing this, but it's hard to orchestrate that sort of thing with just the two of us.
So, Shutterfly doesn't work the way I thought it did and the link that I provided for the pictures of Ari taking a walk in the snow is useless. However, if you click on "Family Photos" here or under "Links of Interest" it should take you to Julia's shared albums, including the one I tried to link to the other day.
Speaking of Ari taking a walk in the snow...

This is a snow suit that Ari was given at the start of Winter. It is a hand-me-down from a girl younger than Ari who had outgrown it. That's right, younger.
Ari actually wore her mittens most of the time we were out. She kept taking her hands out then deciding it really was too cold and put them back inside the mittens.
It was a lot colder today than it was when we went to Glen Echo. Tomorrow looks at least as bad and it has snowed some more. They're fairly likely to close the schools again tomorrow.
Today I just went to the park across the street with Ari and she had great fun just tromping in the snow and on the poor neglected playground equipment. She even enjoyed playing on the swings, although her cheeks are still a little red from that.
There are some great wooden structures on the playground that look PERFECT for snowball fights to my mind. The utter lack of footprints in the several day-old snow says that the Youth of America disagrees. Ah well, unspoiled snow for my little girl.
Last Summer I was practically forced by a "volunteen" at the local library to sign Ari up for their Summer reading program. Evidently just her looking at books or having them read to her counted. This over-lapped with our trip to Maine and Maryanne can verify that Ari had those Richard Scarry books read to her so often that the binding started to come undone. Anyway as part of her reward for completing the program the library let her pick out a book to keep. She went for the one with a duck on the cover. The book is called "Wiggle Waggle" and it gives silly sounds for some of the ways that different animals walk. "How does a cat walk? Pish~posh, pish~posh."
I mention all this just because the last couple of nights Ari and I have been reading the book and acting out some of the animal motions. Which is to say... Ari is awfully cute.
I'll try to get a video of her doing this, but it's hard to orchestrate that sort of thing with just the two of us.
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