So, Shutterfly doesn't work the way I thought it did and the link that I provided for the pictures of Ari taking a walk in the snow is useless. However, if you click on "Family Photos" here or under "Links of Interest" it should take you to Julia's shared albums, including the one I tried to link to the other day.
Speaking of Ari taking a walk in the snow...

This is a snow suit that Ari was given at the start of Winter. It is a hand-me-down from a girl younger than Ari who had outgrown it. That's right, younger.
Ari actually wore her mittens most of the time we were out. She kept taking her hands out then deciding it really was too cold and put them back inside the mittens.
It was a lot colder today than it was when we went to Glen Echo. Tomorrow looks at least as bad and it has snowed some more. They're fairly likely to close the schools again tomorrow.
Today I just went to the park across the street with Ari and she had great fun just tromping in the snow and on the poor neglected playground equipment. She even enjoyed playing on the swings, although her cheeks are still a little red from that.
There are some great wooden structures on the playground that look PERFECT for snowball fights to my mind. The utter lack of footprints in the several day-old snow says that the Youth of America disagrees. Ah well, unspoiled snow for my little girl.
Last Summer I was practically forced by a "volunteen" at the local library to sign Ari up for their Summer reading program. Evidently just her looking at books or having them read to her counted. This over-lapped with our trip to Maine and Maryanne can verify that Ari had those Richard Scarry books read to her so often that the binding started to come undone. Anyway as part of her reward for completing the program the library let her pick out a book to keep. She went for the one with a duck on the cover. The book is called "Wiggle Waggle" and it gives silly sounds for some of the ways that different animals walk. "How does a cat walk? Pish~posh, pish~posh."
I mention all this just because the last couple of nights Ari and I have been reading the book and acting out some of the animal motions. Which is to say... Ari is awfully cute.
I'll try to get a video of her doing this, but it's hard to orchestrate that sort of thing with just the two of us.
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