Today Ari somehow opened this picture of Julia on the computer-
I was doing dishes at the time and only noticed that she had done this because she was excitedly pointing at the screen and saying, "Mama! Issa Mama!"
I then put on a slide show with about 65 pictures of Julia for Ari and she asked me to replay several times.
We're missing her something fierce.
I think that a change of scenery will do Ari some good so tomorrow I'm going to take her up to Akron to see Andy Hopp and his daughter Ilyanna.

And now we present:
"Messy-Hair a Box!"
1 comment:
More Corrections-
Andy's daughter's name is spelled Iliana.
Furthermore Ari and I won't be going to Akron after all, not now anyhow.
For one, it is 11:30 and Ari is still asleep. Poor little dear hasn't slept well all week, but is now well into her 12th hour of sleep. But even more important is that Julia is coming home tomorrow! A day early!!!
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