Julia took our camera with her to Vienna so the majority of pictures that I'll be posting, for this week at least, will be from our extensive Ari photo archives. Tonight, however, you'll be getting a fresh batch of pictures thanks to Brooke.

I made two pizzas one was sausage (and quite tasty) while the other was...different.
In honor of the Arkham Horror game planned for that evening I made a calamari pizza. It was a tentacular delight and I'm sorry that I wasn't able to get a photo of it.
We (and by "we" I mean "I" as the game is just a little too advanced for Ari) did in fact play Arkham Horror with Jeff, Rick, Jaime, and Kelly and a reasonably good time was had by all. Brooke came over later and we watched City of Death. Good times.
Today we went over to R&B's for a breakfast so late in the day it couldn't properly be called brunch. Then we went over to the Rag-O-Rama for their $1 sale. Which translated to dropping Brooke off to employ her shop-fu while Rick, Ari, and I went and found other ways to occupy ourselves.
Later on it was back to R&B's for dinner and a board game. Evidently tonight was "let's play a really old board game that Brooke owns, but has never played before" night; first we tried to play Murder She Wrote: the Board Game, but then we realized that we didn't have enough players and instead tried out Clue- The Great Museum Caper. None of us had played it before, a few elements didn't make much sense, and I have no idea how it was supposed to be related to the game Clue, but it was still reasonably fun. We'll probably try it again sometime with Julia.

Lately Ari has been in a bit of a "naked phase" and will insist on removing all of her clothes no matter how chilly it is.
She also hasn't been sleeping very well. I've been getting her into bed at a reasonable time, but she keeps waking up and has a hard time getting back to sleep.
Consequently I haven't been sleeping very well either.

1 comment:
Brooke tells me that their cat is named Cara, not Kira.
Should not be confused with Cara-the-eshu then.
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