Well Ari actually seems to be on a reasonable sleep schedule these days, I hope that it continues.
Today Julia asked me how I liked being a "house husband", I replied that it was just fine except for all the guilt about not brining in any money.
Being home with Ari does give us time to do things like read books, sword fight, play with puzzles, go for walks and even take up baking.

Yesterday the ground was still all snow and ice, but it had warmed up just a little so I thought that I would take Ari for a walk in Glen Echo, the nice little ravine/park near Rick & Brooke's place.
It was pretty much a Winter Wonderland and all that jazz.

We took a whole bunch of pictures of little miss tromping about in the snow. I posted a few of them here. Ari simply had a blast, she loves feeling the snow beneath her boots and giggled like crazy when she found herself sliding on an icy patch. Naturally I spent the whole time wishing that Ari would wear her mittens.
Of course she'd just loose her mittens and we all know what that means...
No pie.
And that's just sad.
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