Thursday, June 15, 2006


This entry is named after someone who went out of her way today to help me. She had places to be, and nobody would have thought badly of her if she'd just said "that sucks" and walked on by- but she didn't. I think that's cool.

The long version of that story is that I went to bring dinner to someone's house today. She's part of my mom's group and someone that I really like and would kind of like to be better friends with. She just had a little baby girl, so I volunteered to come fawn over her newborn under the pretenses of feeding her family. ;)

Anyway, I googled her place and thought I'd be okay to find it- but I got totally lost. It was near on 45 minutes before my sheer lostness overcame my shyness, and I stopped at a drugstore. I didn't even have the change for a phonecall on me, so I was hoping that I could beg the people of the UDF for the use of their phone. As I was explaining my plight to the UDF employees, a woman (Robin) came to the counter. She not only advised me about where she thought I was trying to go, but she also offered to let me use her cell phone. Then she also talked to my friend to figure out where I should be going. And then she took it upon herself to drive there with me, to make sure that I got where I was going safely.

I'm going to keep this story in my head, and someday, when I meet someone who's unhappy and lost (like I was today) I'm going to try to be as nice to them as Robin was to me today.

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