Thursday, May 25, 2006

A few, precious baby moments

Last night, Ari (after refusing to go to bed in the usual way at the usual time) drifted off to sleep in my arms. She didn't fuss, didn't nurse... she just snuggled against me and eventually her eyes just closed. It was so peaceful and trusting, it near burst my heart.

Just now, Ari woke up. I nursed her a bit, and cuddled her. Then I took her downstairs, and had to do something very quickly with both hands. As soon as I set her un the crib, she started to cry- not a mad cry, but a sad, panicky, disconsolate cry. Tears were literally streaming down her fat little cheeks. As soon as I picked her up, though (about 90 seconds later), she stopped crying immediately, wiped her eyes with a chubby little fist, and just snuggled up against me. She's sitting in my lap, nursing and snuggling as we speak.

She makes my heart feel like a bathroom sink with the hot water tap stuck to on.

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