Sunday, May 07, 2006

Run, run, run- just as fast as you can.

So, Rick and Brooke are breaking up. I am very bummed about this. I kinda hate to say it like this, because it almost sounds like I'm appropriating their real heartache as my own, y'know? My bummedness seems insignificant in comparison.

Rick's been over here a bunch, kinda processing the whole thing. He spent most of last night crying on my shoulder (while the girl tried to claw his face and slobber on him, mind... *roll eyes*) and I guess that today was the actual breakup. He slept here last night and tonight, also. I haven't gotten to talk to Brooke yet, and I kinda worry about her. She sounds pretty shocky, the couple of times we've spoken on the phone.

Anyway, again, I haven't had any time to write. I've been desperately trying to catch up on my school work- I have a presentation in my socio class in less than two weeks, I have to write a cheating report, I have to grade midterms, and I need to make some real progress on my actual research. That plus having Rick over here means not much free time for Julia...

Tomorrow, we will try to pick up our sty of a house. Plus, I need, need to get some time to myself to do some serious work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I can't believe they are breaking up! The last thing I heard about them had to do with marriage.

I hope Rick is okay.

I hope Brooke is okay, too.

What precipitated this decision?