Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Cheeseburger in Deadwood

Frequently, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I don't post pictures because I'm not home to take any. Today, though, Thad took some for me!

So, here's Miss Ari, having some breakfast. You'll note the absence of eggs on her plate- she scarfed them all up just prior to this picture.

I had a good day, but I missed my little girl... I gave a quiz, and didn't get nearly through everything I wanted to get through in my class. That actually makes me feel a bit like a real professor, though- although I suppose that particular feature is not something I should strive to emulate.

Here's Ari, sitting in a container again. She pulled a bunch of the blocks out so she could sit in there. I think she's just... experimenting. The other day, she was happily banging her head on the underside of the table, and got really mad at Thad when he put his hand in the way. *roll eyes*

Today, she really said "mama". Thad came and picked me up from work. As I came around the side of the car to get her and go inside, she flung out her arms to come to me and said, very clearly, "mama!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's growing up so fast!