Thursday, October 12, 2006

Cold snap

How little sleep can somebody have and still be okay? Thad and I are kinda pushing it. He's had 1-1/2 hours in the last 36, and I've had... 4? I'm definitely in not-safe-to-drive land at the moment. Ari is ripping up the latest Jo-Ann's ad on the floor next to me and I totally don't even care.

Thad has gone to bed (yay for him!) and I'm up with this baby. This baby who almost fell asleep and then struggled herself back to cheerful, burbling wakefulness.

Some random things about Ari right now:
  • She loves to clap our hands. Like, she grabs our hands and smacks them together over and over again. She thinks it's hilarious.
  • She still loves looking down on a mama or papa while being carried up the stairs.
  • "Five little ducks" is no longer her favorite song... she thinks it's okay, but she doesn't care much about it anymore.
  • If we ever fail to close the gate at the bottom of the stairs, she'll crawl up the first set of steps, wait until mama or papa sees her there and starts running over to close the gate, and then giggle and clamber up the stairs as fast as possible. It's like a race.
  • She does this in the basement, too, when I do laundry. I end up stuffing clothes in as fast as possible, so I can run over, drag her back to me and stuff more in before the cycle begins anew.
  • She looks adorable in her little strawberry cap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, have to get some sleep or you are going to depress your immune system and make yourself sick!