Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A pile o' swag

Not all that much has been going on. We went to a party for the fourth, at the house of the person running the MSSI. It was probably not the most fun way we could have spent the holiday, but it was okay. Ari was perfectly behaved, and the life of the party. She also ate a bunch of honeydew melon. She totally used her little teeth. I was kind of freaked out because she could bite off little chunks (Oh no! Choking hazard!) but she kind of... gummed them over her two little teeth, and handled the melon just fine. This lends credence to my theory that Ari will eat food when she's physically capable of eating it like a grownup person.

After the party we just came home and hung out. I stayed up way too late reading a novel last night and had some serious staying awake difficulties in class today.

Ari's been both scary and exciting today. To the right the scary- our little girl is getting so mobile. She figured out how to climb up on the papasan to get at the shelf today. She also figured out how to get at my (very messy and very not baby-safe) sewing corner, which we had hoped we had successfully blockaded.

On the exciting note, today Ari:
  • Helped me scritch Thad's back again
  • "Helped" Thad empty the dishwasher. Well, she helped take dishes out of the racks, anyway!
  • Played a mimic game with me. I had a domino with a circle-shaped hole in it, and was holding it up to my eye to look through, and then up to her eye. She took it from me and held it back up to my eye!
  • Tried to nurse off my tummy
Well, the last one isn't all that exciting, but it is kind of funny.


Rainbow Ally said...

Hi Julia ~
Brian and I spent a good portion of our holiday cleaning out the garage...I came across several little toddler toys which I think Ari would love (sorting blocks, little cars). Is there a good time for me to drop them by?

Anonymous said...

Heh, my sister used to try to nurse off my dad's bicep. Hey, it was round, and somewhat properly placed.