Sunday, March 05, 2006

Six months a sick baby

My daughter is sick for the first time today. She has a fever (about 102º under the arm) and green snot coming out of her nose. I was lying on the bed nursing her and thinking that someday I might want to remember this- her being sick and my reactions. So I decided to start keeping a diary.

Well, after many hours of sleeping and getting stuffed with as much mama milk as possible, Ari seems to be feeling better. The fever has broken, and she seems much happier. It was funny for me; my rational brain kept saying "Look, she'll be fine, she's not that sick. You don't need to call the doctor. Just nurse her and let her sleep." But my new-mommy brain was gibbering "My BABY! 102 DEGREES! Oh NO!"

I'm glad the rational brain won out.

1 comment:

RC said...

Sorry about your daughter, Gaia Iulia! I hope she gets well soon!